problems with stored procedure recreation ANSI_NULLS, QUOTED_IDENTIFIERS

  • I am having problems with recreation of stored procedures using generated scripts.

    Problem arises when i recreate (another test) database with generated script created using SQL Enterprise manager or some time when using actual developement database . The stored procedure scripts contain some scripts setting server options (for every stored procedure) like SET ANSI_NULLS ON/OFF and SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIERS ON/OFF with every stored procedure. now when executing those stored procedures some of those crashes... and due to hell lot of stored procedures i cannot actually spend time correcting those to right settings. now tell me what actually is the problem and what options are needed to be set for SQL Server / Connections (in Query Analyser) to get rid of this messy thing.


    Rehan Ahmad Rattu

    - Rattu

  • Perhaps you are using indexed views and the Arithmetic Abort setting (should be on) differs between servers or the Compatibility Level (should be 80) differs between databases.


  • I get around this by chooseing the option to only script 7.0 compatible features.  The scripts will then not contain any of that extra stuff

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