Problems with SQLH2 perfcollector - Bulk Insert Task

  • Hi, List. Now, I have another problem.

    I have a configfile with perfproviders. When I try to run it, I receive the following error:

    11/11/2005 9:37:09 AM Status: Initializing repository: SQL2KCLUSTER

    11/11/2005 9:37:10 AM Status: Repository Database: SQLH2Repository

    11/11/2005 9:37:10 AM INFO: host_id = 4

    11/11/2005 9:37:10 AM Status: Starting RUN

    11/11/2005 9:37:10 AM Status: Registering Run

    11/11/2005 9:37:10 AM INFO: run_id = 2189

    11/11/2005 9:37:10 AM Status: Starting Targets processing

    11/11/2005 9:37:10 AM Status: Targets processing finished

    11/11/2005 9:37:10 AM Status: Starting Perf Loader

    11/11/2005 9:37:10 AM INFO: Perf host_id = 4

    11/11/2005 9:37:10 AM ERROR: Unable to obtain Lock to load perf data

    11/11/2005 9:37:10 AM WARNING: Errors were encountered processing PerfP


    11/11/2005 9:37:10 AM Status: Perf Loader finished

    11/11/2005 9:37:10 AM SQLH2 is shutting down

    11/11/2005 9:37:10 AM Closing Log

    I ran this the last week and everything worked fine, any ideas?

    Thanks for your time...

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  • I found something somewhere in a google search where they were able to get it to work after a reboot. I'm going to give it a try later. I'll update this thread afterwards.

  • I rebooted and now it seems to be hung at the point where it tries to import the perfmon data. It's been hung at this point for about 10 minutes now.

    12/1/2006 1:57:00 PM  Status:  Starting Perf Loader

    12/1/2006 1:57:00 PM  INFO:  Perf host_id = 2

    12/1/2006 1:57:00 PM  INFO:  Lock aquired: pid = 1

    12/1/2006 1:57:00 PM  INFO:  C:\SQLH2\PerfCollector\Data\pfc113006213026.txt: fid = 1, state = 0, retry = 0

  • Lucky you. I have the same issue and I can not seem to find resolution for it.

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