December 11, 2008 at 9:14 am
I seem to have serious problems with getting Database Mail (DBM) working... As I see it, i have tried pretty much everything that i can think of.
- Created DBM Profile and account with working SMTP-server using MS SMTP.
- There's no problem using the SMTP-server when telnetting through it (on port 25, which is the one that's being used for SMTP in our network) or by mailing with a mail client. It has Anonymous Authentication set, and no IP or domain restrictions... The server works, and theres no typo... But with DBM: No luck.
- Disabled local virus protection (McAfee)
- Enabled DBM, running sp_configure 'Database Mail XPs', 1;
- Enabled DBM in SQL Agent
- Enabled Service Broker
- Ran "EXEC msdb.dbo.sysmail_help_status_sp;" ... returns STARTED
- Ran "sysmail_help_queue_sp" ... returns state = INACTIVE on both "mail" and "status"
- Restarted service using: sysmail_stop_sp, sysmail_start_sp
- Executing DBM-script to send mail with different SQL accounts (personal and service account) which are both sysadmins.
- select * from sysmail_allitems, returns sent_status = unsent
- select * from sysmail_faileditems, returns sent_status = failed
What is it that I'm not seeing in my configuration?
The SQL and SMTP log doesn't say anything 🙁
It seems like the DBM doesnt leave the SQL server ... to be recieved by SMTP. Weirdness!
Very thankful for help!
Sincerely Yours,
Mr Kay
December 13, 2008 at 5:27 pm
Please post the error message here. Check for errors under sql error logs and database mail logs.
December 14, 2008 at 11:48 pm
It was an easy fix, but I hade a hard time finding where the problem was...
A colleague of mine reminded me that the service account also has to be a member of the local administrators group.
I'll probably never ever gonna forget that one again... 🙂
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