Problems with security in SSAS

  • My system is a Windows 2008 x64 SP2 Standard and the SQL Server is 2008 SP1 x64.

    Well here is my problem.

    A consultant built up a Cube for my company some time ago. Then we needed to add an attribute to an existing dimension (products). I used BIDS to edit the cube and add the field. The SSIS packages were updated accordingly. My data reaches the destination table (thus, there is no SSIS problem) but the cube will never process the new attribute. It is obvious that although I can see the new attribute in through BIDS, the new structure has not been applied to the SSAS database.

    I right click on the Database.AnalysisServices in BIDS and select Rebuild. I get on the bottom left (status bar) a message Rebuild All succeeded. Then I right click again and click Deploy. I get a popup message:

    The 'Datavase AnalysisServices' database already exists on the 'servername' server. If you proceed with deplyment, the database will be overwritten.

    Would you like to continue?

    I click Yes.

    After a few seconds I get the following error:

    21 The following system error occurred: No mapping between account bnames and security IDs was done. .

    Did you ever face this? Any ideas? As far as I know I am using the same username as the consultant that deployed the cube. By the way I am running BIDS locally on the server. I attach you a screenshot of the Error List.

    Thanks in advance!

  • As soon as I see "security IDs" I start to think of SIDs. These are unique identifiers that sql server assigns to usernames. I've never run into issues with SIDs in SSAS, but plenty in SSDB. So first things first I"m going to assume you're using the same username, but not the same actual account.

    If you can use a different user it might alleviate some confusion down the road. Try that other user and make sure that user is in a Role in the DB that has Full Control (Administrator) under the properties of the Roles in the cube.

    Try that and let me know,

    Rick Todd

  • Thanks for the reply Rick!

    Well I tried with my AD username (which by the way was created later than the Cube) and it failed in the rebeuild process reporting:

    Error1Access to the path 'C:\*****\*********\Database.AnalysisServices\bin\Database.AnalysisServices.configsettings' is denied.00

    By the way my username is a local admin on the server, Member of the users in the Server Administrators in the analysis services and member of the Role which has all permissions (Full Control, Process database, Read Definition).

    I just tried with the Administrator user as well but the result was the same... 🙁

  • Wish I could give you the silver bullet, but in the absence of someone who can, I'll keep doing my best! Do you have this problem with any other cube, or only this one, or is this your only cube?

    Rick Todd

  • it's the only one..

  • At this point, with much caution, I would suggest taking a backup, deleting the cube and re-deploying from the source code. I would be much more confident suggesting this if this weren't a production cube, or if you could do this on a non-production instance.

    Rick Todd

  • It is a virtual machine so I can just snapshot it (I have done this already).

    I thought of doing this as well. In fact I did it yesterday but it didn't work. I don't remember the reason though.

    I also tried to script the products dimension and edit it manually, then drop it and re-create it but it didn't work. I am not sure if I did it in the right way though. How do I execute this xml files? I just clicked execute on the SSMS without using OPEN Query. Is this supposed to work or shall I create a linked server and use open query?

  • I'm not sure what the .xml file is that you're talking about, but if you're looking to redeploy this from the source code, then open the solution in BIDS, right click on the solution file and modify the properties under Deploy to point at the server and DB you want to deploy to, and then right click on the solution file and choose Deploy.

    Rick Todd

  • Hello Rick,

    I finally found out what was wrong. There was a deleted user as a member in the Role. After removing him the solution was deployed successfully!



  • Theo,

    Thanks for sharing the solution.

    MCTS: BI 2008, MCITP: BI 2008
    Stay Thirsty My Friends

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