Problems with replication after mirroring fail over and back to Principal

  • We are using transactional replication, which is initialized from a backup, from server A to server B. Server A is the publisher and server B is the subscriber. The distribution database is on server B, and it is a pull subscription. We are now testing, on VM’s, a mirroring solution that would mirror the publisher database from server A to server C. I was able to bring up mirroring on server C from server A, and then fail over. After I failed-over again from the mirror on server C back to the publisher server A, I was unable to get replication going again. I keep getting an error in the distribution agent ‘The process could not connect to Distributor 'Server_B'.’ The account it is running under has not changed, it is a domain account that has all the security it needs on the snapshot folder. I am not sure what I am missing.



  • Take a look at this solution provided at MS forums.


  • Roy,

    Thanks for the reply, that is a good guide. I ended up deleting the whole setup and rebuilding it and it worked. However, I would not have that luxury in prod.

    Thanks again,


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