Problems with Excel source extraction

  • I have an excel file with sheet containing 210000 records..I am trying to extract this file into a SQL table.

    In SSIS, I am using a Excel source and a SQL server destination adapters. When I am running the package, SSIS is only extracting 4500 records into the SQL table.

    If I use a SQL query "SELECT * FROM [SHEET1$] WHERE ID>4590" instead of a sheet name, then no records show in the Preview mode.. Don't know whats going wrong here..

    Can someone please explain me what am I doing wrong..Thanks in advance

  • That looks like a badly formed query. You are missing a 'WHERE' and a field/column before the comparator.

    Excel is definately the poor relation when it comes to reading and writing data in SSIS. Do you have an alternative data source. Even CSV in a flat file connection is easier to work with than Excel.

    Generally you will have a nightmare with the differences between xls and xlsx/xlsm formats and whether you are reading into a 32bit SQL environment or 64bit environment.


  • My bad..the query actually contains a proper WHERE clause..i copied it wrong here

  • Check first few records (around 20)... if they are numbers and later (after 4500 rec.) in this columns are strings/dates etc.. (different then this few first records) then SSIS will truncate them with no warning :/

  • But in the advance editor of the Excel source adapter I have mentioned Unicode String as the data type for this don't think that can be a problem

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