problems with datetime - behaviour different to sql 2000

  • Hi guys

    we are currently testing a migration from sql 2000 to 2008 and have come across a behaviour change that i can't understand.

    we use the workflow engine to call off reporting services reports. The state of this request is stored in the workflowpersistence database (as supplied by ms)

    by default the workflow code sends datetimes in a higher precision than sql datetimes can handle. - in sql 2000 this was not an issue, but in 2008 it fails misserably

    for a single call to the db to get the status you would see the following

    RPC started

    exec [dbo].[GetActivityEventsWithDetails] @WorkflowInstanceInternalId=2916,@BeginDateTime='Jan 1 1753 12:00:00:000AM',@EndDateTime='Jun 15 2009 3:03:44:683PM'

    RPC completed

    exec [dbo].[GetActivityEventsWithDetails] @WorkflowInstanceInternalId=2916,@BeginDateTime='1753-01-01 00:00:00',@EndDateTime='2009-06-15 15:03:44.6830000'

    notice the underlined differences -

    if you run the same on sql 2008 we see that RPC started and RPC completed are exactly the same as each other

    sql 2000 is somehow intercepting the invalid number of millisecond digits and smoothing it out - but sql 2008 is not.....

    any thoughts (other than the obvious which is to alter our workflow code and fix the invalid dates)

    i'd like to know if this is something we can patch , or if there is a setting we can change

    Many thanks

    Mike Vessey


  • - Is the issue causing problems ? (What error do you get)

    - Is the client configured exactly the same as the current production system ?

    - did you capture and post bot RPC by just changing the connection string or do they originate from different servers ?

    - on calling the sproc, how did you declare the sproc variables in your calling application ? (did you specify the db_datatype correctly ?)


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