Problems with a server with msde and consult

  • Hi!

    This problem is actually fun!

    1. I had to vinculate diferent DB to get specific data and then manipulate it.

    This worked on development;

    select *

    from schema.tablea

    where column1 in

    (SELECT id1 COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI

    FROM server.db.schema.tableb

    WHERE (stats ='2')and(desc not like '%2007%')and(id2 not like '%APTE%'))

    It worked just fine.

    Then i tried to do the same on a msde server and i got the following;

    "Could not find server 'hades' in sysservers. Execute sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sysservers."

    Reading my way out it seems that i cant do anything to add a server being msde.

    first question: ¿is it true?¿i cant add a server on msde?

    aditional note: i´ve almost no power over the msde server.

    2.- Being the awnser to mi first question ; NO!, i must go on.

    How can i go around these problem ??

    can i make de consult the other way around ....

    im rushing out of work!! we´ll talk later... :w00t:

  • Yes, you can add a linked server to an MSDE instance. If you are unable to manage the MSDE instance you can always link TO the MSDE instance from your other database.

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