problems with a script

  • hi!

    i'm trying to get the following script running but keep getting the error saying that i need to declare the @tablename variable in the select statement. any ideas? 


    declare @value datetime

    set @value = CAST('20040129 15:00:00' AS DATETIME)

    DECLARE @tablenames TABLE


    table_id INT IDENTITY,

    table_name SYSNAME


    INSERT INTO @tablenames (table_name)

    SELECT name FROM sysobjects

    WHERE type='U'


    DECLARE @tablename SYSNAME

    SET @i = 1

    WHILE (@i <= (SELECT MAX(table_id) FROM @tablenames))


        SELECT @tablename = table_name

        FROM @tablenames

        WHERE table_id = @i

     print @tablename

     select * from ( @tablename ) where tstamp < @value

        SET @i = @i + 1




  • Have to use dynamic sql.

    Something like

    declare @value datetime

    set @value = CAST('20040129 15:00:00' AS DATETIME)

    DECLARE @tablenames TABLE


    table_id INT IDENTITY,

    table_name SYSNAME


    INSERT INTO @tablenames (table_name)

    SELECT name FROM sysobjects

    WHERE type='U'


    DECLARE @tablename SYSNAME

    SET @i = 1

    WHILE (@i <= (SELECT MAX(table_id) FROM @tablenames))


        SELECT @tablename = table_name

        FROM @tablenames

        WHERE table_id = @i

     print @tablename

     exec ('select * from ' + @tablename)

        SET @i = @i + 1


  • ok, great! that works perfect. but what about the "where" clause....?

  • If this is just an ad hoc utility, I'd just cheat and do something like this:

    DECLARE @value datetime, @sql varchar(400)

    SET @value = '20040129 15:00:00'

    SET @sql = 'PRINT ''?'' SELECT * FROM ? WHERE tstamp < ''' + CAST(@value AS varchar) + ''''

    EXEC sp_msforeachtable @sql


  • Although dynamic sql seem to be a solution, one might be inclined to read this for the pitfalls of that approach. Moreover I would also recommend reading the article on dynamic searches on Erlands' homepage.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

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