problems with a more complex query than I'm used to :)

  • Hi there.

    Here is the data, I think it explains itself:


    (custID int,

    module tinyint,

    visit_date smalldatetime,

    found_count tinyint, --larger value means better found_count

    quality tinyint, --values in (1,2); lesser value means better quality

    pressure tinyint --values in (1,2,3); lesser value means better pressure


    INSERT INTO @t (custID, module, visit_date, found_count, quality, pressure)

    SELECT 1, 1, '12.01.2010', 1, 2, 3 UNION --last date values are all better,

    SELECT 1, 1, '13.02.2010', 2, 1, 1 UNION --should not be in the resultset

    SELECT 1, 2, '01.01.2010', 1, 2, 1 UNION --last pressure is worse

    SELECT 1, 2, '05.03.2010', 1, 2, 3 UNION --both records _should_ be in the resultset

    SELECT 1, 3, '01.01.2010', 2, 1, 3 UNION --no values entered in last visit

    SELECT 1, 3, '01.04.2010', 0, 0, 0 UNION --both records _should_ be in the resultset

    SELECT 1, 4, '01.02.2010', 1, 1, 1 UNION --same values in both

    SELECT 1, 4, '01.04.2010', 1, 1, 1 --should not be in the resultset

    --SELECT * FROM @t

    Although there are only 2 records per cust_id and module in the sample data, this is no limit.

    What I need are all records of a cust_id and module, where the values of found_count (sorry, had problems translating this), quality or pressure in the most recent record are worse than in the other ones. (this includes records where all 3 fields are zero) To see what means "better" in my case, have a look at the table definition.

    Thanks in advance,


  • Try something like:

    ;WITH cte



    SELECT *

    ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY custID, module ORDER BY visit_date DESC) AS RowNum

    FROM @t


    SELECT C.*

    FROM cte C



    SELECT custID, module

    ,MIN(found_count) AS found_count

    ,MIN(quality) AS quality

    ,MIN(pressure) AS pressure

    FROM cte

    WHERE RowNum > 1

    GROUP BY custID, module

    ) D

    ON C.custID = D.custID

    AND C.module = D.module

    WHERE C.RowNum = 1



    C.found_count < D.found_count

    OR C.quality < D.quality

    OR C.pressure < D.pressure


  • hopefully this should do the trick if you are using SQL 2005 or later.


    SELECT custID

    , module

    , visit_date

    , found_count

    , quality

    , pressure

    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY custID, module ORDER BY visit_date ASC) AS ChronologicalOrder

    FROM @t)

    SELECT a.custID

    , a.module

    , a.visit_date

    , a.found_count

    , a.quality AS current_quality

    , a.pressure AS current_pressure

    , b.quality AS previous_quality

    , b.pressure AS previous_pressure

    , b.visit_date AS previous_visit_date

    FROM CTE AS a --any sample reading


    CTE AS b --the reading before

    ON a.custID = b.custID

    AND a.module = b.module

    AND a.ChronologicalOrder - 1 = b.ChronologicalOrder --enforces chronological relationship

    WHERE a.quality > b.quality --quality has got worse

    OR a.pressure > b.pressure; --pressure has got worse

  • Or maybe:

    ;WITH cte



    SELECT *

    ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY custID, module ORDER BY visit_date DESC) AS RowNum

    FROM @t


    SELECT T.*

    FROM @t T



    SELECT C.*

    FROM cte C



    SELECT custID, module

    ,MIN(found_count) AS found_count

    ,MIN(quality) AS quality

    ,MIN(pressure) AS pressure

    FROM cte

    WHERE RowNum > 1

    GROUP BY custID, module

    ) D

    ON C.custID = D.custID

    AND C.module = D.module

    WHERE C.RowNum = 1



    C.found_count < D.found_count

    OR C.quality < D.quality

    OR C.pressure < D.pressure


    ) D1

    ON T.custID = D1.custID

    AND T.module = D1.module

  • Hi Ken,

    your second query is exactly what I was looking for.

    In my tries I always sorted by date ascending and ran into the problem not to know which row_number() is the last. 🙂

    Can I mark the thread as answered in some way?

    Thank you very much,


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