Problems while passing a parameter from SP into SSRS.(New to SSRS)

  • Hi,

    I have a SP in which i'm passing a parameter whose value is being supplied from front end. The sp looks like:

    if(@Docs = 0)




    From docs

    Where (_dh = '') and (_de = 1)


    if(@Docs = 1)




    From docs

    Where (_dh <> '') and (_de = 1)


    The value of @docs is being passed from front end and it can have only 2 values i.e. 0 or 1.

    Now i'm using this sp in a dataset in the reporting services. But my problem is whenever i try to execute the dataset in SSRS it is popping up a window which asks for the values for the parameter @docs. I dont want to pass the value from SSRS. I want the SSRS to take it directly from front end. Please tell me how to do this.



  • Not sure what your front end is, however, what you will need to do is to find out how to pass your parameter into SSRS from your Front End, this should be relatively easy in development terms.

    Once you have done this, you can mark the parameter in SSRS as hidden, it then won't appear in front of the end user.

    If you use an SP in SSRS that requires a parameter then SSRS must supply the value of that parameter.


    Nigel West

  • thanks a lot!! 🙂

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