Problems loading the report manager

  • Hey,

    I've installed reporting services, and all its prerequisites. However, when trying to open the report manager at http://localhost/Reports/Pages/Folder.aspx I get "error": The underlying connection was closed - unable to connect to remote server.

    I know there is no problem connecting to the "remote" server because I can still use the url http://localhost/ReportServer/Pages/Folder.aspx and open my reports from there (but without the fancy GUI).

    What's wrong?


  • Ok now I see I'm not the only one with this problem... and that there's no apparent solution. Damn U MS!!!


  • I had this problem once before and fixed it by restarting the rpc service on the machine.

    It was fine after that.


  • I was dealing with this error for days and had done everything that was supposed in several fora. Without success. Finally (just before re-installing my machine completely) I solved it by removing old Visual Studio parts (beta's) and an inactive(!) firewall program.


  • I think u need to restart ur FTP, WWW & HTTP services so Just restart Reporting services and IIS.



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