Problematic error messages - Diskkeeper and SQL Server

  • I always enjoy getting error messages that I haven't seen before... doesn't everyone?

    Today, I received two new errors, to wit:

    sp_cursor: The cursor identifier value provided (abcef69) is not valid.


    The Scheduler 0 appears to be hung. SPID 7, ECID 0, UMS Context 0x03864F28.
    Error: 17883, Severity: 1, State: 0

    Looking over the event logs, the only unusual thing that I found was that Diskkeeper was running against the active DB drive for a long time (e.g. over two hours) instead of running for a minute and stopping as normally happens when the drives are busy.

    I tracked down the 17883 (and see that the SP3 security fix will make it more descriptive -- must convince the server admin guys that this should be installed), but, although I can find a few references to the cursor identifier message, I can find no information on what it really implies or means, nor did I find a specific example of it referencing sp_cursor (sp_cursorclose yes).

    So, the questions are threefold:

    • Does anyone have some more info on what the Cursor Identifier message means or implies?
    • Has anyone seen Diskkeeper keep running on a busy drive this way before?
    • Can anyone extract some understandable information from the 17883 error?



  • Can you reboot? I've seent he cursor message, but can't remember what it was. It was awhile ago and I think it cleared itself. As far as diskkeeper, do you exclude the SQL Files? I do and don't have any issues.

  • You know, if I had control over Diskkeeper and the other aspects of the server, this would be easier.  I will check with the network/hardware folk, and see how they have diskkeeper set up on the server.  My bet is that they do not have the SQL files excluded.

    As for reboot -- not before this evening.  This is a business-critical server for us.  Fortunately, I know that they don't have diskkeeper running during the day.


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