Problem with week range

  • hi all,

    i want query to show week range depending upon selection of how to do that.I want to give any date selection to the user.and depend upon the selection of date user can see the report between the particular week range ag that to do that.plo help it's urgent

    thank u:-P

  • I'm not sure I understand your requirements. Can you include some data and expected results? If I enter April 22, 2009 (Wednesday) do you want the week to be Sunday, April 19 through Saturday, April 25?

  • ya,exactly i want that.but user should select week number from particular year. i.e. week number is parameter.and from that week number i want to decide week date range including sunday.

    thank u

  • You can get the week number from the datepart() function. I think if you are showing a range of dates, get the week numbers from the first and last date, and then display those as limits.

  • Okay, I am going to make a suggestion that I always make in these situations. Create a calendar table. That will simplify things greatly. Something like this will work (you'd need to define this as needed for your business needs):

    CREATE TABLE dbo.Calendar


    the_date SMALLDATETIME,

    the_year INT,

    the_quarter INT,

    the_month INT,

    the_week INT



    MIN(the_date) AS week_start,

    MAX(the_date) AS week_end


    dbo.Calendar AS C


    the_week = @week_of_year

    If you can't do this, then something like this will work:


    DATEADD(DAY, - 1, dateadd(wk, datediff(wk, 0, DATEADD(week, DATEPART(week, GETDATE())-1, '1/1/2009')), 0)) AS week_start,

    DATEADD(DAY, - 2, dateadd(wk, datediff(wk, 0, DATEADD(week, DATEPART(week, GETDATE()), '1/1/2009')), 0)) AS week_end

    Check out this blog post for some explanation of the way I am using the date functions.

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