problem with update script

  • I am trying to perform an update in an access 2007 database but I get an error stating missing operator. What am I doing wrong?

    update HVIRanking

    set two_percent_payment = Cast((h.two_percent * c.Percent) as long)

    from HVIRanking h inner join Calcs c on h.percentilerank > c.start and h.percentilerank < c.stop c.Percent is a decimal(18,2)
    h.two_percent is a long
    two_percent_payment is a long.

  • Have u tried statement terminator at the end of your SQL statement ";"

    i.e. UPDATE tabname SET colname = crap;

    Haven't r SQL in Access for long time, but I was just guessing this by seeing ur statement.


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