Problem with Unicode data type DT_NText

  • I am new to SSIS and using Sql Server 2008 SSIS package.

    The package read the data from one of the DataBase and load to sql server 2008 database table.

    The source column and destination column EMPNAME is Nvarchar(Max).

    Into SSIS package it is treated as DT_NTEXT.

    I have one Dataflowtask which have DT_NTEXT datatype for EMPNAME and I am using one used flat file connection to redirect any error rows from DataFlowTask.

    I was getting below error after connecting red arrow (error Output) from DataFlowTask to FlatFileDestination.

    The data type for "input column "EMPNAME" (262)" is DT_NTEXT, which is not supported with ANSI files. Use DT_TEXT instead and convert the data to DT_NTEXT using the data conversion component.

    I opened the flat file connection and checked the UNICODE checked box and then the package was not showing any error.

    I have set the FlaTFileDestination EMPNAME column datatype also as DT_NTEXT but still package is not able to load the data into table.

    Can someone please help me with proper example.

  • What happens when you try to load the data?

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  • The SSIS package status is Successful but when I check the table no rows are inserted.

  • OK.

    Are all the rows sent to the error output?

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  • Yes. But I don't see anything written to error output file. I see only date time stamp modified with 1 KB size.

  • Karan_W (11/24/2014)

    Yes. But I don't see anything written to error output file. I see only date time stamp modified with 1 KB size.

    When you go to the execution results and look under the data flow, it should tell you exactly how many rows were written to which output.

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