November 13, 2008 at 5:33 pm
Hello All,
I'm looking for help on following two issues.
1. Script Task
I'm seeing a wierd thing happening with the script task. I'm using it to check if a file exists or not in the given filepath. It executes fine sometimes and fails sometimes with the error "The script files fail to load". Could anyone please let me know the problem and soultion for it.
*I set the script task Delay Validation to True
2. Conditional Split
I'm publishing an error file based on some criteria used in the conditional split. The invalid records will be redirected to error file and valid records will be loaded into a table. However, an empty error log is created even if there are no invalid records. Could anyone tell me what should I use if I want the error file to be created only when there is some invalid data.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
-Amith Vemuganti
November 13, 2008 at 9:15 pm
I would recommend when you have multiple issues to create multiple posts for each.
My recommendation for the 2nd issue is to run a script task after it finishes executing the data flow task, which checks for the length of the error log. If the length is zero, just delete the file.
November 14, 2008 at 8:24 am
Thank you!
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