Problem with TEMPDB

  • Hi All,

    Below is my command

    if exists (select name from tempdb..sysobjects where name='#temp1')


    Drop table #temp1


    When i execute the command it gives the error the table is not existing

    But when i query the tempdb

    select * from tempdb..sysobjects

    i find the table name as '#temp1____________________123433'

    How can i overcome this problem




  • Hello Suresh,

    You can make your IF statement look like

    IF Exists (Select name from tempdb..sysobjects where name like '#temp1%')

    Check the select statement before incorporating it in the IF statement, so that you can come to a conclusion whether it is displaying the correct results or not.

    Hope this helps.




  • Suresh,

    Can try to use this also:


                  FROM            sysobjects

                  WHERE  name = N'TABLE_NAME'

                  AND  type = 'U')



  • That's the safest way to do it :

    CREATE TABLE #A (n int)

    SELECT * from #A

    IF 0 < OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#a')


    SELECT * from #A

    --generates error because table is dropped


    The like solution may create an error because another user may have already created the temp table for him and you'll find a hit.  But when you'll try the drop, you'll get an error because it's actually not your table.

  • Take a look at the context of your connection. I noticed that you say select ... from tempdb..sysobjects, but your drop table statement does not include tempdb.."table_name". Try adding "tempdb.." to your drop statement.

  • Won't work because the object is only contained in tempdb.  You can actually access the table from any other database as long as you are still using the same connection (and that connection hasn't been closed are reset by connection pooling).


    Check this out :


    USE master

    CREATE TABLE #A (n int)

    SELECT * from #A

    USE msdb

    SELECT * from #A

    IF 0 < OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#a')


    SELECT * from #A

    --errors out because the object is dropped

  • Just to complete and correct what I said :


    IF 0 < OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#a')

     DROP TABLE tempdb..#a

    whill throw this message :

    Database name 'tempdb' ignored, referencing object in tempdb.

    Database name 'tempdb' ignored, referencing object in tempdb.

    but it won't error out.

  • The prefix is necessary for the OBJECT_ID function, but not in DROP TABLE.  This version doesn't generate any errors or warnings:

    IF 0 < OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#a')

     DROP TABLE #a

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