Problem with Stored procedure

  • One more point:

    I've come at work on weekend to check the server, today no one is using that server because its holiday. But still the sqlserver is so slow and the same deleteArea stored procedure times out. so it might not be due to slow queries, missing indexes etc. what do you think? isn't there any other thing that I can check and modify?

  • can you free the proccache ?

    (to get rid of the "unperformant" plans)

    dbcc freeproccache

    Maybe now (holliday) is the moment to rebuild indexes, ...

    befor you implement the new ones.

    We've recently had a server which didn't perform as we would expect.

    Reason: Someone turned of parallel plans and worker threads.

    exec sp_configure 'max degree of parallelism' -- will show the value for this setting

    exec sp_configure 'max worker threads' -- will show the value for this setting

    After setting these settings to their default values, everithing started to work as we would have expected.


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  • I rebuilt indexes and updated statistics however that values for worker thread etc is as follow:

    name min max config_value run_value

    max degree of parallelism 0 64 0 0

    max worker threads 128 32767 0 0

    we have 140 connections at maximum level. so that might not be the problem. Am I true?

  • you stated cpu and memory were ok.

    What's the ammount of physical RAM on the windows server, how much is in use and how much is in use by sqlserver ?

    Any other memory hogs ?

    Any IO bottlenecks ? (io wait times)


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  • you stated cpu and memory were ok.

    yes it is

    What's the amount of physical RAM on the windows server, how much is in use and how much is in use by sqlserver ?

    the server has 8GB of RAM. PF usage was about 7GB the day before yesterday but when we restarted the server it became 1 GB and is still 1 GB

    Any IO bottlenecks ? (io wait times)

    there's no IO bottleneck now but still the server is slow

    I really need help cause its a production server and needs to be fixed soon 🙁

  • I had run a profiler trace (standard template) but no recommendation is reported by DTS!! and only 38% of the trace is analyzed then it stops reporting errors!!

  • Hi;

    In your cursor try to use this hint FAST_FORWARD


    Esat Erkec

  • here's the stored procedure that most of the times cause time out. on the previous messages u said that some clustered indexes should be defined on related tables. I'd like to know if the stored procedure also can be tuned.

  • peace2007 (3/14/2009)

    here's the stored procedure that most of the times cause time out. on the previous messages u said that some clustered indexes should be defined on related tables. I'd like to know if the stored procedure also can be tuned.

    Can you post the DDL for EDMS.vw_AreaHierarchy ?

    (and the refered tables)

    Why do you use a cursor ?

    You encapsulate it all in one transaction, so you might as well delete

    the child-rows directly starting from your temptb or view.

    To feed your history, use the output clause of the delete statement

    of the parent object !


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  • this is the view:

    WITH Tree(PageId, ParentId, PageTitle, strPath, strPathName, [Level]) AS (SELECT PageID, ParentID, PageTitle, CAST(PageID AS varchar(MAX)) AS strPath,

    CAST(PageTitle AS varchar(MAX)) AS strPathName, CAST(1 AS int)

    AS [Level]

    FROM EDMS.tb_SiteStructure

    WHERE (ParentID = '-2')


    SELECT ST.PageID, ST.ParentID, ST.PageTitle,

    T.strPath + '/' + CAST(ST.PageID AS varchar(MAX)) AS Expr1,

    T.strPathName + ' > ' + CAST(ST.PageTitle AS varchar(MAX)) AS Tree,

    T.[Level] + 1 AS [Level]

    FROM EDMS.tb_SiteStructure AS ST INNER JOIN

    Tree AS T ON ST.ParentID = T.PageId)

    SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT PageId, ParentId, PageTitle, strPath, strPathName, [Level]

    FROM Tree AS Tree_1

    ORDER BY strPath

  • Did you try to handle it this way ?

    ALTER PROCEDURE [EDMS].[sp_DeleteArea]

    @PageID int,

    @DeletedBy varchar(100)



    Set Nocount on

    CREATE TABLE #vw_AreaHierarchyTemp


    PageId bigint,

    ParentId bigint,

    PageTitle varchar(500),

    strPathvarchar(max), -- don't use varchar(max) if you can use varchar(5000) !!

    strPathNamevarchar(max), -- don't use varchar(max) if you can use varchar(5000) !!

    [Level] int


    CREATE index #vw_AreaHierarchyTempX on #vw_AreaHierarchyTemp (PageId)


    @ParentID int,

    @pid bigint,

    @parId bigint,

    @ptitle varchar(500),

    @InheritOrNo SMALLINT,

    @ParentPageID int,

    @ThisPage int


    BEGIN TRANSACTION -- Start the transaction

    --Keep view data in temp

    insert into #vw_AreaHierarchyTemp

    select * from EDMS.vw_AreaHierarchy

    -- find pages that must be delete and insert in history table

    -- Delete Users and Groups of this page

    Delete UPA

    From EDMS.tb_UserPageAccess UPA

    inner join EDMS.tb_SiteStructure TS

    on TS.PageID = UPA.PageID

    -- IS THIS PART STILL NEEDEDand TS.inherit = 0

    inner join #vw_AreaHierarchyTemp tmp

    on TS.PageID = tmp.PageID

    where tmp.strPath like '%/'+convert(varchar(50),@PageID)+'/%')

    OR (tmp.strPath like '%/'+convert(varchar(50),@PageID))

    Delete GPA

    from EDMS.tb_GroupPageAccess GPA

    inner join EDMS.tb_SiteStructure TS

    on TS.PageID = GPA.PageID

    -- IS THIS PART STILL NEEDEDand TS.inherit = 0

    inner join #vw_AreaHierarchyTemp tmp

    on TS.PageID = tmp.PageID

    where tmp.strPath like '%/'+convert(varchar(50),@PageID)+'/%')

    OR (tmp.strPath like '%/'+convert(varchar(50),@PageID))



    from EDMS.tb_SiteStructure TS

    inner join #vw_AreaHierarchyTemp tmp

    on TS.PageID = tmp.PageID

    OUTPUT ( TS.PageID, TS.ParentID, TS.PageTitle ts.PageID, 'Delete', @DeletedBy)

    into EDMS.tb_PageHistory (h_PageID,h_ParentID,h_InheritParentID,h_PTitle,h_Action,h_Date,h_UserName)

    where tmp.strPath like '%/'+convert(varchar(50),@PageID)+'/%')

    OR (tmp.strPath like '%/'+convert(varchar(50),@PageID))





    -- Whoops, there was an error

    IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0




    Keep in mind this may still cause a huge transaciton.

    You may want to optimize it handling one (or a couple of) PageID per transaction to lesser the transactional impact ( + the locking consequences)




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  • I'll test it

    Thank you ALZDBA 🙂

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