Problem with SSIS Sql Configuration

  • Hi All,

    I am using a SSIS Package where configurations are saved in SQL Table.

    The SQLServer (where the configuration is stored) connectionstring (Which includes username and password) is saved in a Config file.

    So I have an XML Configuration which points out to SQL Configuration Table And a SQL Config which reads the configuration value.

    However, After opening the page I see 2 OnInformation Messages which says attempting to read configuration.

    But I also see error with login failed for SQL Configuration Server.

    Why the SSIS is not reading SQL configuration settings from XML Config file ?

  • er.mayankshukla (8/18/2014)

    However, After opening the page I see 2 OnInformation Messages which says attempting to read configuration.

    But I also see error with login failed for SQL Configuration Server.

    Which page?

    Can you post the actual error message?

    Does SSIS have access and permissions to read the XML config file?

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  • Hi,

    Kindly check the screenshot attached

  • Does SSIS have access and permissions to read the XML config file?

    Is the XML config correctly configured? Is the password correct? (not *******, you need to replace it with the actual password)

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Thanks Champion,

    I didn't notice it.

    In my Config File a semicolon was missing after password field.

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