Problem with SQL Stored Procedure

  • I'm not sure what the best way is to present this issue so please forgive me if I fall short and please ask any qualifying questions necessary.

    Here goes..

    The code below is the what is triggered by a CmdButton on a userform.
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

        Dim UserName As String
        Dim strQDefSQL As String, strQueryName As String
        Dim strAssignedBy As String, intPriority As Integer, strQkey As String, strBatchID As String
        Dim strSQL As String, strDBID As String, strWhere As String, strUserName As String, strExistsFlag As String
        Dim RecUsers As dao.Recordset
        Dim rstSysInfo As dao.Recordset
        Dim strDBName As String
        Dim rst As dao.Recordset
        Dim RetAssociateID, RetISNumber
            RetAssociateID = Environ$("USERNAME")
            RetISNumber = Environ$("COMPUTERNAME")
            strDBName = strDatabaseName

        ' Get Host Name / Get Computer Name
        UserName = Environ("USERNAME")
    Dim rsFindUser As dao.Recordset
      Dim strFindUser As String
          strFindUser = "SELECT tblSecurity.Mgmt_Sec, * FROM tbl_AssocInfo INNER JOIN tblSecurity ON tbl_AssocInfo.DB_ID = tblSecurity.DB_ID " & _
          "WHERE (((tbl_AssocInfo.Assoc_ID)='" & RetAssociateID & "')) OR (((tbl_AssocInfo.Temp_ID)='" & RetAssociateID & "'));"
          Set rsFindUser = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strFindUser, dbOpenSnapshot)
          With rsFindUser
              If rsFindUser.RecordCount = 0 Then
                  'GoTo ErrorHandler
                  strDBID = ![tbl_AssocInfo.DB_ID]
                  strUserName = !First_Nm & " " & !Last_Nm
            End If
          End With
      Set rsFindUser = Nothing
    '*************************************STORED PROCEDURE*****************************
      'Dim strDBID As String
      Dim rsDailyHours As dao.Recordset
      Dim objControl As Control
      'Dim strSQL As String
      Dim conn1 As ADODB.Connection
      Dim cmd1 As ADODB.Command
        Set conn1 = New ADODB.Connection
          conn1.ConnectionString = strConnection

            Set cmd1 = New ADODB.Command
              cmd1.ActiveConnection = strConnection
                cmd1.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
                  cmd1.CommandText = "Tri.UpdEntTime"
                      cmd1.Parameters("@Date") = Me.ListTimeDet.Column(5)
                        cmd1.Parameters("@DBID") = Me.ListTimeDet.Column(0)
                      cmd1.Parameters("@Hours") = Me!TxtUpdate
                    cmd1.Parameters("@EditBy") = strUserName
                  cmd1.Parameters("@EditDate") = Now()  <------ ***On this line I receive an: "Application Uses a value of the wrong type for the current operation."***
          Set conn1 = Nothing
          Set cmd1 = Nothing
    As indicated in the code above I can't get past the:  cmd1.Parameters("@EditDate") = Now() line

    Below is the Stored Procedure triggered @ the cmd1.Execute line.

    USE [RAOCProds]

    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [tri].[UpdEntTime] Script Date: 12/04/2017 14:57:25 ******/


    ALTER PROCEDURE [tri].[UpdEntTime]
    @Date Date,
    @DBID nvarchar (30),
    @Hours nvarchar (30),
    @EditBy nvarchar (30),
    @EditDate Date
    UPDATE Tri.DailyHoursWorked
    SET HoursWorked = @Hours, HrsEditedBy = @EditBy, HrsEditedDate = @EditDate
    WHERE DB_ID = @DBID And Entered = @Date;
    Some additional Information:
    When I execute the Stored Procedure it comes back as 'Completed Successfully"
    Both the table in SQL and in Access are formatted for Date/Time with enough length

    Please let me know if I need to provide anything further to help you - - - help me

    And as always, Thank You

  • Can you trying changing your line with the error to use Date() instead of Now()
    Not sure if that will work but the stored procedure expects a date data type. Or use datetime in both Access and SQL Server.


  • Sue_H - Monday, December 4, 2017 5:12 PM

    Can you trying changing your line with the error to use Date() instead of Now()
    Not sure if that will work but the stored procedure expects a date data type. Or use datetime in both Access and SQL Server.


    Hey Sue ~ Thanks so much for responding...
    Okay, so I made the following changes and while I am closer, I am still not quite where I need to be.
    Per your suggestion, I did change the line with the error from Now() to Date and it worked!! However, as expected it returneds only the date and I need a timestamp value of both date & time.
    I then changed the @EditDate data type from Date to DateTime and it ran through again, but again it entered only the date.
    I then changed Date back to Now() in the error line thinking perhaps I solved the issue by changing the @EditDate variable data type to DateTime...No such luck it returned the same error as before.
    The fields of both the SQL Table and the Access table are set to DateTime data type.
    One last change I made was to set Now() to a string variable... same error.
    As a last ditch effort I made the following change:
    cmd1.Parameters("@EditDate") = Now()
    cmd1.Parameters("@EditDate") = Format(Now(), "YYYYMMDD_HHnnSS")
    Same error...As a newbie to this language I am at a complete loss

  • MarkW.Rhythm1 - Tuesday, December 5, 2017 7:06 AM

    Sue_H - Monday, December 4, 2017 5:12 PM

    Can you trying changing your line with the error to use Date() instead of Now()
    Not sure if that will work but the stored procedure expects a date data type. Or use datetime in both Access and SQL Server.


    Hey Sue ~ Thanks so much for responding...
    Okay, so I made the following changes and while I am closer, I am still not quite where I need to be.
    Per your suggestion, I did change the line with the error from Now() to Date and it worked!! However, as expected it returneds only the date and I need a timestamp value of both date & time.
    I then changed the @EditDate data type from Date to DateTime and it ran through again, but again it entered only the date.
    I then changed Date back to Now() in the error line thinking perhaps I solved the issue by changing the @EditDate variable data type to DateTime...No such luck it returned the same error as before.
    The fields of both the SQL Table and the Access table are set to DateTime data type.
    One last change I made was to set Now() to a string variable... same error.
    As a last ditch effort I made the following change:
    cmd1.Parameters("@EditDate") = Now()
    cmd1.Parameters("@EditDate") = Format(Now(), "YYYYMMDD_HHnnSS")
    Same error...As a newbie to this language I am at a complete loss

    Keep it as YYYYMMDD.
    Your parameter is defined as date not datetime.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • SOLVED!!!
    Okay, so changing the @EditDate in the stored procedure from:
    @EditDate Date
    @EditDate DateTime
    Did work with Now() as a parameter
    However, what I forgot to do after I made that change was to save, or click (! Execute). Once I clicked ! Execute and then ran it... All was good!

    Thank You Sue! Your suggestion got me thinking in a different direction which lead me to this solution.

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