Problem with SOAP, rendering and parameters

  • Hi, Im trying to display a report on a web page using the Web Service. Everything works fine as long as I don't have to pass any parameters. But of course I need to pass some parameters!

    Here is some of my code, which is almost the same as the render example on MSN: 


    Private Sub renderReport()

    Dim rs As New ReportingService

    rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials

    ' Render arguments

    Dim result As Byte() = Nothing

    Dim reportPath As String = "/Rep1/Report1"

    Dim format As String = "HTML4.0"

    Dim historyID As String = Nothing

    Dim devInfo As String = "<DeviceInfo><Toolbar>False</Toolbar><StreamRoot>imgs/" & Session.SessionID & "/</StreamRoot></DeviceInfo>"

    ' Prepare report parameter.

    Dim parameters(1) As ParameterValue

    parameters(0) = New ParameterValue

    parameters(0).Name = "abo_id"

    parameters(0).Value = "1714"

    parameters(0).Label = "1714"

    Dim credentials As DataSourceCredentials() = Nothing

    Dim showHideToggle As String = Nothing

    Dim encoding As String

    Dim mimeType As String

    Dim warnings As Warning() = Nothing

    Dim reportHistoryParameters As ParameterValue() = Nothing

    Dim streamIDs As String(), streamID As String

    Dim sh As New SessionHeader

    rs.SessionHeaderValue = sh

    result = rs.Render(reportPath, format, historyID, devInfo, parameters, _

    credentials, showHideToggle, encoding, mimeType, reportHistoryParameters, warnings, streamIDs)

    ' For each image stream returned by the call to render,

    ' render the stream and save it to the application root

    Dim rootFolder As String = Server.MapPath("imgs/") & Session.SessionID & "\"

    Dim image As Byte()

    For Each streamID In streamIDs

    image = rs.RenderStream("/Rep1/Report1", "HTML4.0", streamID, _

    Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)

    If Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(rootFolder) Then


    End If

    Dim stream As System.IO.FileStream = _

    System.IO.File.OpenWrite(rootFolder & streamID)

    stream.Write(image, 0, CInt(image.Length))




    End Sub

    Here is the error message i receive:

    Exception Details: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The value of parameter 'Parameters' is not valid. Check the documentation for information about valid values. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InvalidParameterException: The value of parameter 'Parameters' is not valid. Check the documentation for information about valid values. at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService.CheckParameterArray(ParameterValueOrFieldReference[] parameters, String parameterName) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService.Render(String Report, String Format, String HistoryID, String DeviceInfo, ParameterValue[] Parameters, DataSourceCredentials[] Credentials, String ShowHideToggle, Byte[]& Result, String& Encoding, String& MimeType, ParameterValue[]& ParametersUsed, Warning[]& Warnings, String[]& StreamIds) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService.Render(String Report, String Format, String HistoryID, String DeviceInfo, ParameterValue[] Parameters, DataSourceCredentials[] Credentials, String ShowHideToggle, Byte[]& Result, String& Encoding, String& MimeType, ParameterValue[]& ParametersUsed, Warning[]& Warnings, String[]& StreamIds)

    I have ofcourse checked that the parameter is called abo_id, and ValidValues are 1713, 1714. I have tried with both Integer and String type.

    When i call the report directly like this:


    it works, and if I take away the parameter from the report it also works.

    I am stumped! Can anyone help me out?? I will be very gratefull for any help or suggestion!


  • And ofcourse, after struggeling with this for 2 days i stumble uppon the solution 5 minutes after I post the problem. But I figure since I followed the example from Microsoft and got the error, someone is bound to get into the same problem. So I'll leave the post and here comes the solution:

    This doesn't work:

    Dim parameters(1) As ParameterValue

    This does work:

    Dim parameters As Array = Array.CreateInstance(GetType(ParameterValue), 1)

    When i fixed that I only got one small error from the code in the original post. I need to supply the RenderStream method with the parameters aswell, like this:

    image = rs.RenderStream("/Rep1/Report1", "HTML4.0", streamID, _

    Nothing, Nothing, parameters, Nothing, Nothing)

    After that everything works just fine.

    If anyone wants to explain why "dim parameters(1) as ParameterValue" doesn't work, feel free, cause I don't know.


  • I suspect there is a difference between how the decalrations work....


    dim  X as (some kind of array declaration)


    Dim Y(n) as type


    two things: 

    X is a reference to an array whose size will be found at run time

    Y is an array of n elements

    I suspect that if we dumped the MSIL code we would see different parameter loading going on under to hood.


    thats my guess anyway.


  • You've probable solved this problem allready, but I figured I'll post a solution in case anyone else is going over the same problem...
    I think the most common reason for this exception is having to many elements in the Parameters array.
            Dim parameters(2) as parametervalue

    Declaring an array like this will enable it to hold three parameters.

    If the report only expects 2 params, the exception will be thrown!
    HTH someone out there!

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