problem with run PROCEDURE-table is empty

  • i work with link server (pioledb)

    the problem is thet the table is empty sometimes an it not work OK

    how can i condition the delete  ???

    i wont thet the table is always be full











    OPENQUERY(pcntn, 'SELECT value as val ,''UNIT1''as uu ,''FF9900'' AS col FROM picomp WHERE time = date(''*'') AND tag = ''a1mp340''

    union all

    SELECT value as val ,''UNIT2''as uu ,''00CC00'' AS col FROM picomp WHERE time = date(''*'') AND tag = ''a2mp340''

    union all

    SELECT value as val ,''UNIT3''as uu ,''FFFF00'' AS col FROM picomp WHERE time = date(''*'') AND tag = ''a3mp340''

    union all

    SELECT value as val ,''UNIT4''as uu ,''0099FF'' AS col FROM picomp WHERE time = date(''*'') AND tag = ''a4mp340''


    union all





    'SELECT value as val ,''UNIT5''as uu ,''0033FF'' AS col FROM picomp WHERE time = date(''*'') AND tag = ''a5mp113''

    union all

    SELECT value as val ,''UNIT6''as uu ,''FF33FF'' AS col FROM picomp WHERE time = date(''*'') AND tag = ''a6mp113''




    thnks ilan

  • Conditioning the DELETE is possible, but I'm not sure what condition you want. Can you be a bit more specific? Also, when you say that it doesn't work when the table is empty, what do you mean? DELETE works fine on empty tables.

    Also, if you just want to delete all records in a table without logging, you should investigate the TRUNCATE TABLE command, which is much faster than DELETE.



    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • this PROCEDURE run from IIS asp page and the page refresh evry 20 second

    maybe ##temp table weel be more good ???

    the problem is the delay in the link server

    can you help me work with TRUNCATE and fix my PROCEDURE ?

    i need thet table weel bee always full !!!

    for all the users

    thnks ilan

  • ops ................

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