February 1, 2010 at 8:59 am
:IF Len(aOLD[1,K])>0;
:IF Len(aNEW[1,K])<>Len(aOLD[1,K]);
:WHILE cRS='BOB' .or.Empty(cRS);
UserInput(350,20,400,240,"Reason",{"cTX,20,160,350,60,TEXT,Field "+aFLDS[K]+" was updated. Choose the reason", "cRS,50,60,200,80,CD,Reason,Entry Error,Sponsor Update,New Bottle,Additional TA Data Provided,Determined at Testing,Spelling Error,Comment Added,Determined at Testing"});
:IF cRS="BOB";
UsrMes('Warning','Reason for change must be entered');
:IF aNEW[1,K]<>aOLD[1,K];
:WHILE cRS='BOB' .or.Empty(cRS);
UserInput(350,20,400,240,"Reason",{"cTX,20,160,350,60,TEXT,Field "+aFLDS[K]+" was updated. Choose the reason", "cRS,50,60,200,80,CD,Reason,Entry Error,Sponsor Update,New Bottle,Additional TA Data Provided,Determined at Testing,Comment Added,Determined at Testing"});
:IF cRS="BOB";
UsrMes('Warning','Reason for change must be entered');
February 1, 2010 at 10:20 am
Basically does someone know how to disengage the little red X in the upper right of a window and how to not allow someone to use the cancel button???
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