problem with parameters multivalue

  • i have a tittle in a report , where i want show a parameter , but this parametes is multi-value,

    then i know show the first parameter , (.... .value(0) ) , but i dont know when are two o more parameter.

    Have i to make a 'code'?


  • I think you can use the join() function to link the parameters. e.g.: =join(Parameters!ParameterName.Value, " ") - should join the values together with a space.

    Struggling to find the question?

  • Use JOIN(Parameters!Parameter.Label," / ") to separatae them by "/" or ","

  • ok , perfect.

    My problem also is that i have a report 1 where in a matrix i set properties of 'jump to report'.

    The report 1 has one parameters multivalue and report 2 same, when i click en then matrix or report 1 jump to report 2 , but i know filter the report 2 by one filter (value(0)) and not by multivalue filter.

    parameters name : OlapProyect2

    parameters value: ="[Olap].[Proyect].&[" + Parameters!OlapProyect1.value(0) + "]"

    but only one parameter, and Parameters!OlapProyect1 is multivalue and i have Selected 3 item paramters.

    How can I do it?

  • Could you be a bit more specific please? I just want to understand what it is exactly that you are asking before I contemplate an answer.

    Struggling to find the question?

  • ok i try.

    i have a cube of analys services and two report od reporting services.

    i have a report A with one parameter and other Report B with one parameter. The report A has a matrix . In the cells, i set in properties 'jump to report',

    i want that i click in cell and jump to report B ,and the report B has the same parameter that the report A, I want that the report B filter by same parametes than the report A.

    In properties jump to report i put the name the report B , and i put in parameter name the name of parameter(report B) and in report value i put in mdx "[olap].[Proyect].&[" + parameter!name1.label(0) + "]" .

    The paramete is multivalue, but i can i only filter then report B by one parameter. I want filter by all selected.

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