problem with my instead of insert for trigger

  • i got this message when i was executing my trigger.. the error message is Msg 1013, Level 16, State 1, Procedure tr_v_OrganizationDetailType, Line 8

    The objects "OrganizationDetail" and "OrganizationDetail" in the FROM clause have the same exposed names. Use correlation names to distinguish them. What shud i do to solve that problem...

    below is my trigger

    create view v_OrganizationDetailType as

    select Type_name, Org_name, Org_address, Org_tel_no, Org_fax_no, Org_email, Org_description

    from OrganizationType inner join OrganizationDetail on OrganizationType.Type_application_id =OrganizationDetail.Type_application_id


    create trigger tr_v_OrganizationDetailType on v_OrganizationDetailType instead of insert as


    insert OrganizationType (Type_name)

    select distinct inserted.Type_name

    from inserted left join OrganizationType on inserted.Type_name = OrganizationType.Type_name

    where OrganizationType.Type_name IS NULL /*** Exclude Organization Types already in the table ***/

    insert OrganizationDetail (Org_name, Org_address, Org_tel_no, Org_fax_no, Org_email, Org_description, Type_application_id)

    select distinct inserted.Org_name, inserted.Org_address, inserted.Org_tel_no,

    inserted.Org_fax_no, inserted.Org_email, inserted.Org_description, OrganizationType.Type_application_id

    from inserted inner join OrganizationType on inserted.Type_name = OrganizationType.Type_name

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_name = OrganizationDetail.Org_name

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_address = OrganizationDetail.Org_address

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_tel_no = OrganizationDetail.Org_tel_no

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_fax_no = OrganizationDetail.Org_fax_no

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_email = OrganizationDetail.Org_email

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_description = OrganizationDetail.Org_description

    where OrganizationDetail.Org_name IS NULL /*** Exclude Organization Detail already in the table ***/

    END -- trigger def


  • insert OrganizationDetail (Org_name, Org_address, Org_tel_no, Org_fax_no, Org_email, Org_description, Type_application_id)

    select distinct inserted.Org_name, inserted.Org_address, inserted.Org_tel_no,

    inserted.Org_fax_no, inserted.Org_email, inserted.Org_description, OrganizationType.Type_application_id

    from inserted inner join OrganizationType on inserted.Type_name = OrganizationType.Type_name

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_name = OrganizationDetail.Org_name

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_address = OrganizationDetail.Org_address

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_tel_no = OrganizationDetail.Org_tel_no

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_fax_no = OrganizationDetail.Org_fax_no

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_email = OrganizationDetail.Org_email

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_description = OrganizationDetail.Org_description

    where OrganizationDetail.Org_name IS NULL /*** Exclude Organization Detail already in the table ***/

    shouldn't that be

    insert OrganizationDetail (Org_name, Org_address, Org_tel_no, Org_fax_no, Org_email, Org_description, Type_application_id)

    select distinct inserted.Org_name, inserted.Org_address, inserted.Org_tel_no,

    inserted.Org_fax_no, inserted.Org_email, inserted.Org_description, OrganizationType.Type_application_id

    from inserted inner join OrganizationType on inserted.Type_name = OrganizationType.Type_name

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_name = OrganizationDetail.Org_name

    and inserted.Org_address = OrganizationDetail.Org_address

    and inserted.Org_tel_no = OrganizationDetail.Org_tel_no

    and inserted.Org_fax_no = OrganizationDetail.Org_fax_no

    and inserted.Org_email = OrganizationDetail.Org_email

    and inserted.Org_description = OrganizationDetail.Org_description

    where OrganizationDetail.Org_name IS NULL

    /*** Exclude Organization Detail already in the table ***/

  • i've changed the trigger command that u given to me buat when i was insert the value, i got this message Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Procedure trg_InsertOrganization, Line 11

    Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, = or when the subquery is used as an expression.

    The statement has been terminated.

    here is my command insert...

    insert v_OrganizationDetailType

    select 'PTM', 'Sequ Inspection', 'Cheras', '0343234321', '0343234322', '', 'Oil and Gas' UNION

    select 'PTM', 'Alpha', 'Bangi', '0344567654', '0344567653', '', 'Hospitality Consultant'

  • Your left join is messing you up. Using left joins with additional join filters is not the most reliable method to return data. You should use the where clause to filter the data.

    Your trigger should look like this:

    insert OrganizationDetail (Org_name, Org_address, Org_tel_no, Org_fax_no, Org_email, Org_description, Type_application_id)

    select distinct inserted.Org_name,







    from inserted inner join OrganizationType on inserted.Type_name = OrganizationType.Type_name

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_name = OrganizationDetail.Org_name


    inserted.Org_address = OrganizationDetail.Org_address

    and inserted.Org_tel_no = OrganizationDetail.Org_tel_no

    and inserted.Org_fax_no = OrganizationDetail.Org_fax_no

    and inserted.Org_email = OrganizationDetail.Org_email

    and inserted.Org_description = OrganizationDetail.Org_description

    AND OrganizationDetail.Org_name IS NULL

  • i have changed using ur recommendation... but when im trying to insert values into table v_OrganizationDetailType... its really done... but when i want to select to view data that i have been inserted, there has no data... what' wrong?

    below is my command to insert

    insert v_OrganizationDetailType

    select 'PTM', 'Sequ Inspection', 'Cheras', '0343234321', '0343234322', '', 'Oil and Gas' UNION

    select 'PTM', 'Alpha', 'Bangi', '0344567654', '0344567653', '', 'Hospitality Consultant'

    select * from v_OrganizationDetailType

    The is no data that i have inserted

  • any suggestion??

  • Sorry, before making my post I really did not look at your data. The problem is that you are wanting to compare the inserted data to a table that has no records.

    Let's change the trigger to look like this:

    insert OrganizationDetail (Org_name, Org_address, Org_tel_no, Org_fax_no, Org_email, Org_description, Type_application_id)

    select inserted.Org_name,







    from inserted inner join OrganizationType on inserted.Type_name = OrganizationType.Type_name

    inner join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_name = OrganizationDetail.Org_name

  • ejoeyz_85 (2/14/2008)

    i've changed the trigger command that u given to me buat when i was insert the value, i got this message Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Procedure trg_InsertOrganization, Line 11

    Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, = or when the subquery is used as an expression.

    The statement has been terminated.

    here is my command insert...

    insert v_OrganizationDetailType

    select 'PTM', 'Sequ Inspection', 'Cheras', '0343234321', '0343234322', '', 'Oil and Gas' UNION

    select 'PTM', 'Alpha', 'Bangi', '0344567654', '0344567653', '', 'Hospitality Consultant'

    This discussion has gotten off track. You keep making changes to a join, but the subquery error you're getting is from a different trigger: trg_InsertOrganization. Your post only includes the source to tr_v_OrganizationDetailType which has no subquery and is not the code producing this error.

  • ejoeyz_85 (2/14/2008)

    i have changed using ur recommendation... but when im trying to insert values into table v_OrganizationDetailType... its really done... but when i want to select to view data that i have been inserted, there has no data... what' wrong?

    the change you made earlier is preventing the insert.

    from inserted inner join OrganizationType on inserted.Type_name = OrganizationType.Type_name

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_name = OrganizationDetail.Org_name


    inserted.Org_address = OrganizationDetail.Org_address and inserted.Org_tel_no = OrganizationDetail.Org_tel_no and inserted.Org_fax_no = OrganizationDetail.Org_fax_no and inserted.Org_email = OrganizationDetail.Org_email and inserted.Org_description = OrganizationDetail.Org_description AND OrganizationDetail.Org_name IS NULL

    with this change, nothing will be inserted unless all fields match... in other words, the data won't be added unless it already exists in the OrganizationDetail table. the inserted.cols = OrganizationDetail.cols conditions need to be put back into the left join. this will add rows that don't exist.

  • there has no data in my table after i've inserted into table v_OrganizationDetailType. Let me explain again. I've created instead of insert for both table of OrganizationType table anf OrganizationDetail table.

    For my organizationtype table, i got Type_application_id as primary key and Type_name. For table organizationdetail i got Org_application_id as primary key, Org_name, Org_address, Org_tel_no, Org_fax_no, Org_email, Org_description and Type_application_id as foreign key refer to table organizationtype

    this is my 1st step. i 've created table view. and see the code below

    create view v_OrganizationDetailType as

    select Type_name, Org_name, Org_address, Org_tel_no, Org_fax_no, Org_email, Org_description

    from OrganizationType inner join OrganizationDetail on OrganizationType.Type_application_id =OrganizationDetail.Type_application_id

    the 2nd step, i've created trigger. see the code below

    create trigger tr_v_OrganizationDetailType on v_OrganizationDetailType instead of insert as


    insert OrganizationType (Type_name)

    select distinct inserted.Type_name

    from inserted left join OrganizationType on inserted.Type_name = OrganizationType.Type_name

    where OrganizationType.Type_name IS NULL /*** Exclude Organization Types already in the table ***/

    insert OrganizationDetail (Org_name, Org_address, Org_tel_no, Org_fax_no, Org_email, Org_description, Type_application_id)

    select distinct inserted.Org_name, inserted.Org_address, inserted.Org_tel_no,

    inserted.Org_fax_no, inserted.Org_email, inserted.Org_description, OrganizationType.Type_application_id

    from inserted inner join OrganizationType on inserted.Type_name = OrganizationType.Type_name

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_name = OrganizationDetail.Org_name

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_address = OrganizationDetail.Org_address

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_tel_no = OrganizationDetail.Org_tel_no

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_fax_no = OrganizationDetail.Org_fax_no

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_email = OrganizationDetail.Org_email

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_description = OrganizationDetail.Org_description

    where OrganizationDetail.Org_name IS NULL /*** Exclude Organization Detail already in the table ***/

    END -- trigger def


    after execute both of codes above, i want to insert values into table v_OrganizationDetailType because instead of trigger. I've use this code to insert. see the command below

    insert v_OrganizationDetailType

    select 'PTM', 'Sequ Inspection', 'Cheras', '0343234321', '0343234322', '', 'Oil and Gas' UNION

    select 'PTM', 'Alpha', 'Bangi', '0344567654', '0344567653', '', 'Hospitality Consultant'

    Then, i've executed the command and the command is succesfully. But the data i've inserted is not have in the table v_OrganizationDetailType. What going on? Anyone can help me... i hope all of u could understand for what im trying to explain....

  • let's start over. the code you just posted is your from your original post which results in this error: The objects "OrganizationDetail" and "OrganizationDetail" in the FROM clause have the same exposed names.

    from inserted inner join OrganizationType on inserted.Type_name = OrganizationType.Type_name

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_name = OrganizationDetail.Org_name

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_address = OrganizationDetail.Org_address

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_tel_no = OrganizationDetail.Org_tel_no

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_fax_no = OrganizationDetail.Org_fax_no

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_email = OrganizationDetail.Org_email

    left join OrganizationDetail on inserted.Org_description = OrganizationDetail.Org_description

    where OrganizationDetail.Org_name IS NULL /*** Exclude Organization Detail already in the table ***/

    the italicized "left join OrganizationDetail on"s should be replaced with "AND"s as i suggested earlier.

    after you made those changes, you were getting a different error: Subquery returned more than 1 value from the trigger trg_InsertOrganization which is on some other table.

  • ok i 've changed the statement that suggested from u... when im trying to insert values then i got new error as u said..

    subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, = or when the subquery is used as an expression.

    what next shud i do???

  • ejoeyz_85 (2/16/2008)

    ok i 've changed the statement that suggested from u... when im trying to insert values then i got new error as u said..

    subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, = or when the subquery is used as an expression.

    what next shud i do???

    that error is coming from trg_InsertOrganization. you need to post the source to it for someone to assist you.

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