problem with import data to sql server from csv files

  • Hi,

    I have created a dts package wich will import data from csv files. The csv files will have records for example

    20040325,000072,005309,1.00,1.00,2.00,LUNCH where the decimal values represent price, cost, qty. some times when the qty exceeds 999 they will send the qty as 1,000 or 1,005 instead of 1000, 1005. so when I run the DTS package, it is giving the error too many columns found due to that extra comma. So Is there a way to solve this? May be a tool which will remove those extra commas?



  • Can you not get them to use a quoted identifier for the data?

    Otherwise you are going to have to create some external script to rework the data using vb or perl.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • Hi Nicholas,

    This problem occurs not very often. So we cannot ask them to use quoted identifier for the data. If you have any vb or perl script, can you send them?



  • I don't have anything, and without using an identifier on the data, I'm not sure that you can do anything to resolve it (short of getting them to stop using , seperators, or changing their column delimiter)

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • If you could get them to build the csv with another delimiter - ; or | forinstance, that stops the comma casuign a problem. You'll have to change the dts though.

    Whichever way you look at it, you can't have both and have it work!

  • I have had a similar problem.  I used a temp table and imported the entire record as a single field.  Then used charindex to remove the the comma's.

  • But if you remove all the commas you end up with a single long string.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • test for the extra comma, replace it with something else, replace the remaining commas, return the remaining one to a comma.

  • How would you know which comma is the extra comma?

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • if you know the number normally expected, do a charindex, loop up to that number, and if the next one comes back with a value, you've got the position.

  • The only way I can see to make this work is to input the data as one column and process the data, using your eample of


    pass the first 3 commas

    then 3 times, remove any comma until you reach a full stop, then proceed passt the next comma

    once this is done then parse the string using the commas

    success will depend on how many value fields there are, how spread out they are and that they all have a decimal point

    you could write a UDF to do this

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Hi all,

    Thanks for the suggestions. I'm trying to use s.m.b's idea.

    I have loaded all the data into a temp table as a single column.

    Now my question is, Is there a way to find the number of occurences of ',' in the string column? In that way I can find the records with extra column?




  • LEN([column])-LEN(REPLACE([column],',',''))


    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • number of columns = expected number of commas + 1

    something like a while loop would allow you to iterate with charindex to a point after the last #expected#, then a single charindex finds/doesn't find the extra.

  • Hi All,

    I have used (len(col1)-len(replace(col1,',',''))) to find the number of occurances of ',' and I am able to display all the records which have those extra column. Now Is there a way to replace that extra column? The problem is, that extra column is not at the end. once I'm able to replace the extra comma how could I transfer this data to the new table(original table)? Can I automate this using DTS? since the problem does not appear often, Is there a way to check in DTS that if the extra comma appears in column then replace the extra comma with empty string and insert into new table. if not just insert into new table.



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