Problem with Group by and Sum

  • I need my query to be reorganized or fixed. It is not properly calculating the total hours for "UREG" when i do group by. I know it has to do with the travel column and the sub query doesn't account for that. if my travel column is all marked the same then it does the calculation correctly. Maybe I have to pivot or partition instead of doing it by sub queries. Please advise

    SELECT employee_no,
       timecategoryid AS TimeCategoryID,
    FROM (SELECT E.employee_no,
         (SELECT Sum(hours) AS Expr1 FROM dbo.pay_records AS PR
          WHERE ( employee_no = E.employee_no ) AND ( pay_period_id = PR1.pay_period_id ) AND ( timecategoryid = PR1.timecategoryid) AND (valid_payroll = 0) and (rate_type = 'REG')
                    ) AS UREG,
                    (SELECT Sum(hours) AS Expr1 FROM dbo.pay_records AS PR
          WHERE ( employee_no = E.employee_no ) AND ( pay_period_id = PR1.pay_period_id ) AND ( timecategoryid = PR1.timecategoryid) AND (valid_payroll = 1) and (rate_type = 'REG')
                    ) AS REG
       FROM dbo.employee AS E
         INNER JOIN dbo.pay_records AS PR1
            ON PR1.employee_no = E.employee_no
       GROUP BY E.employee_no,
          PR1.timecategoryid) AS X
    WHERE employee_no = '327'
       AND pay_period_id = 16
    GROUP BY employee_no,

    It shoud have been this

    Under UREG where travel is marked false the sum of hours for the timecategoryID should have been 5,  and where it is marked as true it should have been 4hrs.  if I mark travel as both false/true then I get the correct count of 9 "UREF" hours.

    Below is the snap shot of the query of the pay records table where you can see the breakdown of hours.

    Select pr.pay_period_id,employee_no, pr.TimeCategoryID, pr.hours, pr.Travel , pr.rate_type
    from Pay_Records pr
    where pay_period_id=16 and employee_no='327'

  • Pictures of your data do not help.  Please post scripts of your sample data as outlined in the first link in my signature.

    You're sample data does not include the valid_payroll field.  My guess is that the valid_payroll field is 0 for all records for this employee in this pay period.  Perhaps you meant to filter on Travel rather than valid_payroll.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • I think (but can't be sure without seeing the data) is that you'd want to add an extra clause to your WHERE in the nested selects.  You would want to add in
    AND Travel = PR1.Travel
    If I am eyeballing that right, I think that is all that needs to be added.  So for UREG, you'd have this instead:
    (SELECT Sum(hours) AS Expr1 FROM dbo.pay_records AS PR
      WHERE ( employee_no = E.employee_no ) AND ( pay_period_id = PR1.pay_period_id ) AND ( timecategoryid = PR1.timecategoryid) AND (valid_payroll = 0) and (rate_type = 'REG')  AND (Travel=PR1.Travel)
          ) AS UREG,

    But without real data to test it with, I don't know for sure.

    The above is all just my opinion on what you should do. 
    As with all advice you find on a random internet forum - you shouldn't blindly follow it.  Always test on a test server to see if there is negative side effects before making changes to live!
    I recommend you NEVER run "random code" you found online on any system you care about UNLESS you understand and can verify the code OR you don't care if the code trashes your system.

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