Problem With Enterprise Manager

  • Hello,

    Recently one of our developers machine was upgraded to oracle 9i client.Now

    he's trying to make a connection to Oracle from DTS packages it comes out

    saying it can't find ora8.dll which is not there anywhere is there a place in

    the registry or some where i can say to look at the new 9i dll instead of old


    appreciate ur help!

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  • I do not know ... if it were me though ... I'd uninstall the 9i upgrade and reinstall 8g (and what ever patches you need) ...

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • Actually I think you do not need to uninstall 9i.

    I believe the headache comes from not selecting the correct connection in DTS.

    First make sure that the server where the DTS package is being created has the Oracle 9i client network stuff and possibly ODBC drivers.

    Second, when making the connection (you may have to re-build the packages) make sure that you choose the Oracle 9i driver, you may have to use ODBC and set up a connection.

    Oracle users may be able to provide you more info.

    Good luck,


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