Problem with dynamic SQL and OPENROWSET

  • Hi

    I'm having problems forming a working dynamic sql statement using openrowset. I know variables can't be used directly in openrowset, so I'm trying to get this to work by putting the whole statement in a variable.

    With this version of my code, I get the following error (@cfrc_id is in fact a null) :

    Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'INSERT INTO OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Excel 8.0;DATABASE=C:\temp\surveyRecruiting_1_4_2012.xls',

    'SELECT * FROM [export_template$]')

    SELECT *

    FROM survey_answers_recruiting

    WHERE cfrc_id = isnull(' to data type int.

    SET @sql=N'INSERT INTO OPENROWSET(''Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'',''Excel 8.0;DATABASE='+@filename+''',

    ''SELECT * FROM [export_template$]'')

    SELECT *

    FROM survey_answers_recruiting

    WHERE cfrc_id = isnull('+@cfrc_id+',cfrc_id)

    ORDER BY cfrc_id, survey_date;'

    And with this version I get the following error :

    Must declare the scalar variable "@cfrc_id".

    SET @sql=N'INSERT INTO OPENROWSET(''Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'',''Excel 8.0;DATABASE='+@filename+''',

    ''SELECT * FROM [export_template$]'')

    SELECT *

    FROM survey_answers_recruiting

    WHERE cfrc_id = isnull(@cfrc_id,cfrc_id)

    ORDER BY cfrc_id, survey_date;'

    How do I use the isnull function in this context ?


  • Im assuming that @cfrc_id is of type int, If @cfrc_id is null, then you have to compare the field [cfrc_id] with its own value, something redundat but necesary:

    WHERE cfrc_id=cfrc_id

    Otherwise, you need to compare cfrc_id with the given value of @cfrc_id:

    WHERE cfrc_id= 5

    This could be implemented on this way:

    SET @sql=N'INSERT INTO OPENROWSET(''Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'',''Excel 8.0;DATABASE='+@filename+''',

    ''SELECT * FROM [export_template$]'')

    SELECT *

    FROM survey_answers_recruiting

    WHERE cfrc_id =' + case when @cfrc_id is null then 'cfrc_id' else convert(varchar, @cfrc_id) end

    + ' ORDER BY cfrc_id, survey_date;'

  • Thank you, this helps. The last bit I need help with is with the date condition. I can't seem to get it to print out right. Either I get an error concerning conversions with the code below (Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string) or the date gets converted to words (ex Jan 1 2011 00:00:00) when I use the code cast(@date_from as nvarchar). Would anyone have some pointers for me ? Thanks

    I am using these values :

    set @date_from = N'2011/01/01'

    set@date_to = N'2011/02/01'

    declare @temp varchar(100)

    set @temp = ' between ''' + @date_from + '00:00:00'' AND ''' + @date_to + '23:59:59'''

    SET @sql=N'INSERT INTO OPENROWSET(''Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'',''Excel 8.0;DATABASE='+@filename+''',

    ''SELECT * FROM [export_template$]'')

    SELECT *

    FROM survey_answers_recruiting

    WHERE cfrc_id = ' + isnull(cast(@cfrc_id as nvarchar),'cfrc_id') + ' AND

    survey_date ' + @temp + ' ORDER BY cfrc_id, survey_date;'

    print @sql

    exec (@sql)

  • Ok, I'm assuming that @date_from and @date_to are of type varchar. If so, you only need to add an space before the hour part in the @temp assingment:

    set @temp = ' between ''' + @date_from + ' 00:00:00'' AND ''' + @date_to + ' 23:59:59'''

    But if @date_from and @date_to are of type datetime, you should use CONVERT instead of CAST to specify a date format:

    set @temp = ' between ''' + CONVERT(varchar, @date_from, 102) + ' 00:00:00'' AND '''

    + CONVERT(varchar, @date_to, 102) + ' 23:59:59'''

    Best regards!

  • Thank you, option #2 has solved all my query problems.

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