Problem with Dynamic SQL

  • Hi,

    I have used the following script and created a procedure..


    create procedure temp_proc1



    declare @sp_id varchar(10)

    set @sp_id = cast(@@spid as varchar)

    IF EXISTS(select * from sysobjects where name like 'temptable1%')


    EXEC ('DROP TABLE temptable1'+ @sp_id)


    EXEC('Create Table temptable1'+ @sp_id +' (ID int NOT NULL, FieldName VarChar(10))')

    EXEC('Insert into temptable'+ @sp_id + 'values (10,''XXXXX'')')

    EXEC ('Delete from temptable1'+ @sp_id)

    EXEC ('Drop table temptable1'+ @sp_id)



    It got created successfully. But, when I am trying to execute the procedure, I am getting the following error..


    EXEC temp_proc1

    Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

    Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ')'.

    (0 row(s) affected)


    Problem is with the follwoing line in the procdure...

    EXEC('Insert into temptable'+ @sp_id + 'values (10,''XXXXX'')')

    Could you please clarify me where I went wrong..

    Thanks in Advance.


  • Hi,

    It doesn't like concatenating strings to execute a command. You're better off putting the whole line into a string:


    @spID NVARCHAR (10),

    @CommandString NVARCHAR(255)

    SET @spID = '1'

    SET @CommandString = 'DROP TABLE TEMPTABLE' + @spID

    sp_executessql @CommandString

  • Hi,

    It's a minor mistake. you might overlooked at it.

    change the code to

    EXEC('Insert into temptable1'+ @sp_id + 'values (10,''XXXXX'')')

    It works. by mistake, you have removed 1 in the insert statement.

    check it out.


  • Hi,

    I have modified it...

    Still I am getting that error in the line...


    EXEC('Insert into temptable1'+ @sp_id + 'values (10,''XXXXX'')')


    I think problem should be somewhere here - 'values (10,''XXXXX'')')

    Could you please check whether it is concatenating properly..

    Thanks in Advance.


  • It works. I just checked. just copy from here and paste in your code.

    EXEC('Insert into temptable1'+ @sp_id + ' values (10,''XXXXX'')')

    Try and let me know.



  • Thanks a Lot prasad...

    It is working fine..

    Warm Regards,


  • Hi..

    I have one more query...

    How about using this Dynamic Query extensively in the procedure..(In almost all the Updates and Inserts)

    Will performace gets affected because of this?



  • Very badly.

    Code for TallyGenerator

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