PROBLEM with DTS importing from Excel

  • Hi,

    I need help figuring out a problem. I have a spreadsheet that I am importing inot some tables via DTS. When I run the dts from my workstation uising my connected login to the server and enterprise manager, it works fine.

    When I log into the server and try to run it (or try to run it as a job) it fails. The error I get is : Invaild password - microsoft jet database engine ?? this is really wierd - it even gives me the error if I try create a new DTS package from the server with any excel file

    The excel files have no password - nor is MS access involved?(jet?)

    any help would be greatly appreciated



  • JET 4.0 is used for OLEDB connections to files such as .csv and .xls files. Hence the JET error.

    Are you using a DSN that is only stored on your machine?

    Maybe the Excel file is in a folder that is only accessible by a windows security group that you are part of and not the login used by the server?

    Which version of SQL, SP's, and windows are you using?

  • I am using SQL 2000(standard edition) sp3

    And Win 2K Sp3 (latest also)

    Tt is not an issue with Win Security - I can't get the SQL server to connect to ANY excel file (even on C from the server. From my PC (connecting to the Server using Enterprise Manager) I can connect and run fine.

    It is also not a DSN issue - since I did not create any, I just created a datasource on the fly via DTS.

    The only difference is that my desktop has Office and the server does not

    ?any ideas?



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