problem viewing http://localhost/Reports

  • Basically http://localhost/Reports give me a "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" error

    However http://localhost:8080/Reports/Pages/Folder.aspx works fine and takes me to the home page of SSRS.

    Any idea what I should be looking for to get the first url to work correctly?


    *edit* Using SSRS 2008

  • The following was the answer i needed supplied by a faster moving forum! Problem solved.


    If you are using, ssrs 2008, then assigning a port is required. You can add a new port with 80 or alter the existing 8080 to 80.

    To do so,

    1. Open reporting services configuration manager. (it may be located at Start-->all programs--> microsoft sql server-->configuration tools-->reporting services configuration manager)

    2. connect to the sql server instance

    3. click on the report manager URL

    4. click advanced button

    5. Add a new identifier with the port 80. (Optionally you may remove port 8080 as well)

    6. stop and start the report service. you should be able to now run as http://localhost/Reports

    Hope this helps.


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