Problem using the Copy SQL Server Objects Task in DTS Package

  • Hi I have a problem using the Copy SQL SERVER OBJECTS TASK IN dts.  I am running SQL Server 2000 .818 on a Windows 2003 server.  I have a package that is built and the only thing inside of it is a copy sql server objects task.  We are trying to move data from our OLTP to a Warehouse staging area but the data is never delivered.  Is there something else I need to setup in the package?  I have even tried sending data on the same server to two different DB's it will move the schema but never the data.  Any help on this would be appericated.  Oh everything works fine with I just do a regular export of data via EM and then save as a DTS package but I thought it would be a lot easier if I could just setup one Copy SQL Server Objects Task.



  • I've had issues with this task and so have avoided it.

  • I've just had a similar problem whereby the job would fail after it had copied the table structures. 

    I eventually solved it by changing the options on the copy objects task to not copy users across.  Only found out this was causing the problem by enabling logging of the dts package.

    Hope it helps

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  • Ok so I turned the logging on and even though the package says it completes successfully I am seeing the following error produced for every table.  I checked the two servers and the dll dates match.



    In file  in statement on line 0

    Transfer Status: Transferring Data: (Table '[dbo].[Activity_Type_Trans]')

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]ODBCBCP/Driver version mismatch

  • Theare the files that must have matching versions




    There is a free Microsoft tool that can be used to check versions.  Below is the link.

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