Problem using SQLDMO and Delphi to scriptout SQL Server SPs

  • {DB_NAME and SCRIPT_PATH are consts}
      SQL_DMO: _SQLServer;
      SQLDatabase: _Database;
      SQLStoredProcedure: _StoredProcedure;
      oServer: OleVariant;
      iScriptOptions: Integer;
      strScript: TStringList;
      i: Integer;
      SQL_DMO := CoSQLServer.Create;
        SQL_DMO.LoginSecure := True;
        oServer := GetLocalComputerName;
        SQL_DMO.Connect(oServer, '', '');
        SQLDatabase := SQL_DMO.Databases.item(DB_NAME,'dbo');
        if assigned(SQLDataBase) then
          for i := 1 to SQLDatabase.StoredProcedures.Count do
            SQLStoredProcedure := SQLDatabase.StoredProcedures.Item(i, 'dbo');
            if Assigned(SQLStoredProcedure) then
                // bypass system objects
                if not SQLStoredProcedure.SystemObject then
                  iScriptOptions := SQLDMOScript_Default or SQLDMOScript_Drops;
                  strScript      := TStringList.Create;
                    // Here, the Script call is not returning anything.
                    strScript.Text := SQLStoredProcedure.Script(iScriptOptions, SCRIPT_PATH + SQLStoredProcedure.Name + '.sql', SQLDMOScript2_Default);
                    // Even tired this with no affect: (EmptyParam is same as NULL)                
                    // strScript.Text := SQLStoredProcedure.Script(iScriptOptions, EmptyParam, SQLDMOScript2_Default);
                    strScript.SaveToFile(SCRIPT_PATH + SQLStoredProcedure.Name + '.sql');
                end; {if not SQLStoredProcedure.SystemObject}
                SQLStoredProcedure := nil;
            end; {if Assigned(SQLStoredProcedure)}
          end; {for i := 0 to SQLDatabase.StoredProcedures.Count-1}
          SQLDataBase := nil;
        SQL_DMO := nil;
  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I was able to compile your code and get it to work in Delphi 5 with SQL Server 2000, so I'm not where your problem might be.

    In the past I have not used DMO to get Stored Procedure scripts-- I have used sp_helptext 'spName'. Of course then you need to get the stored procedures with ADOConnection.GetProcedureNames.

    Another place I look for help is the stored knowledge of the Borland newsgroups at Let me know if I can help any more with your problem.


  • usually I use .vs and I have

    not found an answer yet.

  • Problem with using sp_helptext is that it will not get the full text of large procedures. I think the limit is 8K.

    The Script method is the same thing used by Enterprise Mgr when you select Generate SQL...

  • I have not experienced that limitation-- I just got the script for a 25 kb stored procedure through sp_helptext. Since sp_helptext outputs the procedure code line by line (respecting the line breaks inside your stored procedure), there may be a problem if a single line in the procedure was more than 8000 characters long, but I have not tested that extreme situation.

    I still would like to help you solve your original problem, but since it works for me in Delphi 5 I'm not sure what the next step would be. What version of Delphi and SQL Server are you testing on?

  • D7 and SQL2000 SP4. I have a vbs script that works flawlessly.

    I just can't get this to work correctly usign Delphi because we have a utility to script out our data and I'm adding this functionality into it. The Delpih is a simple one to one translation of the VBS script using early binding. Maybe I could try late binding?

    I was mistaken about the sp_helptext, it seems. I had answered a guy over at Experts-Exchange on a question about returning complete SP text and came up with another solution.

  • OK, I have found the problem as to why it doesn't work. I found an old type lib file

    on my system that was for version 7. SQL2K uses version 8 and SQLl2005 uses version

    8.5. I have reimported the typelib and renamed it to SQLDMO_TLB_8_0 and

    SQLDMO_TLB_8_5 and renamed the old one SQLDMO_TLB_7_0. It now works.

  • That's great! Thanks for the update-- it will help others who bump into similar problems. (And sorry I didn't follow up earlier, but I was out of ideas and wouldn't expect any benefit from changing the late/early binding but didn't know.)

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