Problem: The presences of an attached SQL Server Database halves performance! Help please!

  • Hello, I was hoping you could help me solve an on going issue we have.  Our company hosts and as an ASP a SQL Sequel Server Database.  It is an online, real time, transactional database.  It lives in a dedicated Windows domain and is only used for our product.

    It lives on a Windows 2003 Server.  It runs Active/Passive SQL Server clustering, and it is log shipped.

    The issue we have is that performance for the online transactions is either spot on (with response times under 1 second) or it is dog poo with the response times 2.5 seconds or more.  These times all relate to DB data retrieving.

    During some troubleshooting, we've noticed that if there is an attached copy of the online database (which is definately not used, as shown by the current activity) we halve the performance.  We need this copy for End of day activities, but can drop it during the day.

    Worse still, we did detatch this copy of the online database during last nights EOD run, and the performance was still sucky, back to the 2.5 second response time.  But when we later (4 hours or so) attached and then detatached it again, and the performance was back to it's sub 1 second.

    It seems that the presence of this unused DB is some how hogging SQL Server resources, but have not noticed the obvious Windows performance metrics (cache hit ratio, memory etc.) going down the pan. 

    So does anyone know of what else I could try to work out a.) where within SQL Server it is losing resources, and b.) if you've heard of this before?

    Thanks 1million for your time.

    Ah, give it a reboot, it'll be fine!


  • run profiler(filter using db_id ) to find the activity going on to that database


  • Hi KP Kumar.

    I've done that and there is nothing running against it.  I know that sounds strange, but to confirm, I'm 100% there are no SPIDs running agains this DB.  I feel it must be some internal allocation of SQL Server Memory, or something else, but I just don't know what.

    I'm so confused!

    Ah, give it a reboot, it'll be fine!


  • Did you monitor the memory counters that time? Is there any memory pressure?

    monitor SQLServerBufferManager counters Buffercachehitratio, Pagelifeexpectancy

    etc and find any major differences.



  • Thanks.  Will give it a go.

    Are we the only organisation that has seen this I wonder...

    Hum... Ta.

    Ah, give it a reboot, it'll be fine!


  • I really doubt that attaching / detaching a database would affect performance.  You said "we did detatch this copy of the online database during last nights EOD run, and the performance was still sucky, back to the 2.5 second response time." which says to me that something else is going on.  Since you are running on a Cluster have you checked NT logs?  Does your Cluster have sufficient RAM?  You are also Log Shipping... are the log backups taking a long time or are the files large?  Do you have scheduled jobs that might be running during those times?  How about poorly written reports?

    We also have an active / passive Cluster which is also Log Shipped so I'm familiar with the setup, and I would suggest that you look elsewhere for your performance problem.

  • Here are anumber of general questions that probably need to be answered:

    • Is your cluster dedicated to SQL Server alone or do you have IIS and an application(s) executing on it as well ?
    • How large are your databases ?
    • How much RAM is on the server ?
    • How many CPUs ?
    • What is your CPU speed ?
    • What is an estimate of transactions per second ?

    At present there are too many potential course of action to take. Quite possibly without any added performance benefit.

    However there are a few thing that you can take action on almost immediately. Here's my 'short list' for tuning:

    Round I


        UPDATE STATISTICS (with FULL scan) for all tables

        exec sp_recompile for all tables

        exec sp_refreshview for all views

    Round II


        UPDATE STATISTICS (with FULL scan) for all tables

        exec sp_recompile for all tables

        exec sp_refreshview for all views

    Round III


        Query Hints

    Hint: Write scalable code to start with !

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • Hi guys,

    thanks for all the feedback.  Just to confirm that i'll be giving it a perf mon check later today...

    wish me luck.


    Ah, give it a reboot, it'll be fine!


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