problem starting sql2000 service because log file of model database is full

  • Hello.

            My sql server 2000 service will not start[sometimes starts but then stops after a few seconds] and the message in the application log says "could not get registry information to start the service .The model database is full so please backup the transaction log".But if I cannot connect to the sql 2000 server how can I backup the log.


    Can anyone please tell me as to how to overcome this problem and start my sql 2000 service.This is really important as many other services are dependent on this one.

    I would appreciate if someone could respond back quickly.




  • did u check the error log??? if s pls let us know what error was reported there....try starting the sql server in single user cmd prompt type as start mssqlserver -c -m -T3608 so that only ur master recovers....else navigate to your setup path where sqlserver.exe resides in cmd and type sqlservr -c jus refer this link ....then try to shrink the db if required

    [font="Verdana"]- Deepak[/font]

  • If you are not able to start sql services, then start sql services in single user mode and minimal configuration mode and then shrink the log file for model database.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • just a small modification to what i said, the command is net start mssqlserver /c /m /T3608........if we use net start command we shud use / instead of -.......

    refer the link ... ---which clearly states that we shud use / option instead of - option..just fyi



    [font="Verdana"]- Deepak[/font]

  • Thanks for the reply ..but this did not work here is the error...have any ideas..

    the description for event id [17502]in source [mssql$oc2sqls1] cannot be found.the lcoal computer may not have enough registry information or message dll files to display messages from a remote may be able to use /auxsource=flag to retrieve this description;see help and support for details.the following information is part of the event 'error 9002,severity 17,state 6 .The log file for databse 'model'is full.Backup up the transaction log for the database to free up some log space


    I think its got to do with the log file of the model database.


    Let me know if you any ideas.



  • hi,is there enuf space in the drive where model dbs files resides??? refer;en-us;317375&Product=sql2k fyi.........u'll get to know the cause

    [font="Verdana"]- Deepak[/font]

  • As deepak has said clearing some space on the drive the model log file resides on is the easiest way out of this. If default setings for model you probably need to find 10% of the current size of the model log. any old backups or errorlogs you can get rid of.?

    Of course if autogrow has been turned off for model this will not help.

    Unusual for model log to fill up. Make sure it is in simple mode.


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