Problem Restoring a SQL 2000 database

  • :crying:Trying to Restore a SQL 2000 database and getting the following error

    Server: Msg 3270, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    An internal consistency error occurred. Contact Technical Support for assistance.

    Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

    When I searched this error message, I foud a link to

    Refers to an issue with DPT RAID controller card [not what we are using]

    When I ran the following, all was OK


    FROM Disk='C:\Backup\PTrackDB_db_200912141703.BAK'

    RESTORE verifyonly

    FROM Disk='C:\Backup\PTrackDB_db_200912141703.BAK'


    FROM Disk='C:\Backup\PTrackDB_db_200912141703.BAK'

    When I run

    restore database PBData01

    From Disk='C:\Backup\PTrackDB_db_200912141703.BAK'




    Move 'ptDev' To 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\ptDev.mdf',

    Move 'ptLogDev' To 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\ptLogDev.ldf'

    I get the error:

    Server: Msg 3270, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    An internal consistency error occurred. Contact Technical Support for assistance.

    Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

    Any ideas/sugesstions/help appreciated



  • You may not want to hear this, but I think your backup file is hosed.

    Do you have a previous backup file and differential/transaction log backup files?

  • Thanks.

    Unfortunately, the good backups are a few weeks old.

    That said, any ideas on the cause? Could it be the disk controller as suggested on the Microsoft KB?


  • Possibly. What is the recover model of the database?

  • Recovery Model =Full

  • Do you have any transaction log and/or differential backups between the previous full backup and this one that appears to be corrupt?

  • This is not a huge database [about 100 Mb] and our IT guy did a full backup daily.

    Problem arose when he moved the database to a Virtual server and a new disk subsystem. The older backups from the physical server are good. Made DBA mistake #1 by not verifying the backups after the move.

  • Forgetting your problem at the moment, let me get this straight; database using full recovery model, daily full backups, no transaction log backups? You do realize that the transaction log is simply growing every day? It is only truncated (space reused) by accomplishing transaction log backups.

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