problem passing parameter to SP via cursor

  • I have a SP which is like this

    SPNAME Param1,param2


    ....Some Processing

    SELECT * FROM #tempTable


    I want to execute this stored procedure for multiple param2 and all of the values of param2 will be coming from a cursor. So i want to execute the stored procedure in a cursor loop.

    Problem is that i want to enter every table value returned from stored procedure in a single table

    Right now when i a m executing through cursor loop it is giving one table per execution cycle. Like for every param2 value it is returning one table

    Please suggest how to do that.

  • Create one table like result in your database with exact output column , insert the values row by row (in your sub procedures used by cursor.) ,

    finally end of cursor you can use select * from result & clear the table rows...

  • is there any solution other than this. I dont want to create a table in database. Because as and when i will be running the stored procedure one entry will be going into datatabase table.

  • Hi there, cursors are really pain-givers.. without your original "..Some Processing" code, we cant give an alternative..

    but within the cursors u can use like this

    create table #table ( your column names and data-types)

    declare param1 , param2

    Declare yourcursor cursor

    select param1value, param2value from basetable

    open yourcursor

    fetch next into param1 , param2

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    insert into #table

    exec yourstoreprocedure param1 , param2

    fetch next into param1 , param2


    close yourcursor

    deallocate yourcursor

    Hope this helps!

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