Problem Joining to Table UDF

  • I have the following Table UDF:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_GetBankAccountsExpected(@AgentIDInput Int, @BankAccountsExpected Int)




    DECLARE @Counter Int

    SET @Counter = 0

    WHILE @Counter < @BankAccountsExpected


    SET @Counter = @Counter + 1

    INSERT @AgentID (AgentID, Counter)

    VALUES (@AgentIDInput, @Counter)




    I need to join to that UDF in a query like this:










    (Select AR.NumberOfBankAccountsExpected

    FROM dbo.AgentApplication AR

    WHERE AR.AgentID = A.AgentID) AS NumberOfBankAccountsExpected,



    FROM Agent AS A

    LEFT OUTER JOIN AgentBankAccount AS AB

    ON A.AgentID = AB.AgentID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN AddressDetail AS AD

    ON AB.AddressID = AD.AddressID

    WHERE EXISTS(Select AA.AgentApplicationID

    from AgentApplication AS AA

    where AA.AgentID = A.AgentID

    and AA.AgentApplicationID = 14)

    ) AS TR

    INNER JOIN dbo.udf_GetBankAccountsExpected(tr.AgentID,tr.NumberOfBankAccountsExpected) tx

    ON tr.AgentID = tx.AgentID

    When I try to run the query this way, I get a message that tr.AgentID and tr.NumberOfBankAccountsExpected cannot be bound.

    How do I join to the UDF and feed in the AgentID and NumberOfBankAccountsExpected from the inner query?

    Thank you for your help!


  • Could you please describe what are you trying to do? I suspect that this can be done a lot easier without the table function - it seems to me it is there only to multiply rows based on NumberOfBankAccountsExpected. Is that right, or did you post some simplified version of the function?

  • While Vladan is probably correct in noting that there is probably a simpler, better way to do this I will attempt to answer your question. I think you need to use the CROSS APPLY operation in place of INNER JOIN when joining to your function.

    Query Cross Apply

    Function(parameter1, parameter2)

  • As far as I know, when a function is returning a table the input cannot change in the query.

    Every different row in the above table join would return a different TABLE from the function.

    That being said this appears to be a prime spot for using a number table.


    simplified version

    select agentID, numberOf BankAccountsExpected,

    agtBnkAcct.AgentBankAcountID, agtBnkAcct.BankName,

    nbr as counter

    from agent agt

    left join agentBankAccount agtBnkAcct ON agt.agentID = agtBnkacct.agentID

    inner join agentApplication agtApp ON agt.agentID = agtApp.agentID

    inner join numbers ON agtApp.numberOfBankAccountsExpected >= numbers.nbr

    where agtApp.agentApplicationID = 14

    Note: your query is almost dysfunctional. There is a subquery in the select statement against AgentApplication and an Exists() again against AgentApplication in the where statement. Simplify by joining agent to AgentApplication.

    good luck


  • I agree with Daryl, it is not possible to return different table for each row... which the poster was trying to do. But the entire query is written in such a way that I have no idea what is required - that's why I asked the questions instead of trying to find all errors in the posted query.

    If the question is "how to duplicate rows based on value in some column", then there is very easy solution using Tally table (also known as Numbers table - I see that Daryl already posted something in that line)... but anyway the question remains why you would want to duplicate the rows.

  • The results that come back from the query represent form information that is filled out online by 'Agents'. Each agent is expected to have a certain number of 'Outlets'. The idea is that if an Agent is expected to have three Outlets, and the Agent has completed two forms, then the Agent would see one empty form for the last exepected Outlet.

    My first attempt at this was to create a table UDF to determine the number of expected Outlets per agent, and to join that back to the original query and show completed for data for existing outlets, and NULL data for remaing 'expected' outlets. I have been able to do this by having the call to the function in a View, then RIGHT joining the view back to the main query.

    Thank you for your help!


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