Problem in Join Queries

  • I have 2 tables, Vehicle ( VehicleID, VehicleInfo) and Option (OptionID, OptionName) Having a many to many relationship via the table VehicleOpton (VehicleOptionID, VehicleID, OptionID)


    1 2Door

    2 4Door

    3 6Door

    4 8Door


    1 Toyota

    2 Ford

    3 Sedan


    1 1 3

    2 1 4

    3 2 4

    Now for any vehcleID provided in the Where Clause, i want to return a row (OptionID, OptionName, VehicleOptionID,VehicleID). It should return all options with VehicleOptionID = null if there is not record present in the VehicleOption Table corresponding to that vehicle.

    For example if vehicleID = 1, the query should return

    OptionID, OptionName, VehicleOptionID, VehicleID

    1 2Door null null

    2 4Door null null

    3 6Door 1 1

    4 8Door 2 1

    and if VehicleID = 3, it should return

    1 2Door null nulll

    2 4Door null nulll

    3 6Door null nulll

    4 8Door null nulll

    Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanx

  • try this:

    SELECT *

    FROM [Option]


    (SELECT VehicleOption.OptionID, VehicleOption.VehicleOptionID, VehicleOption.VehicleID, VehicleInfo

    FROM VehicleOption

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Vehicle ON VehicleOption.VehicleID = Vehicle.VehicelID

    WHERE VehicleInfo = 'TOYOTA' -- change to you needs

    ) X

    ON [Option].OptionID = X.OptionID

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • It Workedd... 🙂

    Thanx a lot...

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