April 25, 2009 at 8:50 am
hello guys,
please solve my problem. i have installed sql server 2000 on a computer on my firms domain. i have developed an access application that will link to the server and import data tables from there.
on the sql server i am using port 1433
and the access vba string thaat i use is
sServer = "c-fsd-tec-21020\alpha"
sDatabase = "master"
sUser = "alpha"
sPWD = "alpha"
DBcon.ConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;" & _
"server=" & sServer & ";uid=" & sUser & ";pwd=" & sPWD & ";database=" & sDatabase
DBcon.CursorLocation = adUseClient
but whenever i try to connect i get the error that
"sql server does not exsist or access denied"
i have tried a lot of things and dont understand what goes wrong
April 25, 2009 at 12:26 pm
A few things to check:-
1) Can you Ping the Server from the Client?
2) Can you Login locally to the SQL Server using the User/Password combination?
3) Are there any relevant login failure messages in the SQL Server Logs? This would indicate an authentication issue, rather than a network connection problem.
Finally can you post the full error message including Error Number, Level and State?
John Marsh
SQL Server Luxembourg User Group
February 2, 2010 at 5:09 am
When Connection issues arise
Check using the following
1. Ping the Server ip
2. on the client PC telnet the server ip with port 1433
3. if Ping does not work check the network connectivity firewall blocking Etc.
4. If telnet does not work check the Router or even the DNS if it is transmitting between the client and the Server
5. The final check u need is as suggested check if u can locally Log in using the password and user name and ensure that remote login is enabled.
6. If the above does not work kindly copy paste the Error message and we shall try and sort you out
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