Problem in Building comma separated string for query result

  • I need to build a comma separated string of the multiple rows returned out of query result. Select is only on one column. Below is the query I wrote for the same

    declare @l_store_list varchar(50)

    set @l_store_list = '1,2'






    charindex(',' + ltrim(str(store_number)) + ',', ',' + ltrim(@l_store_list) + ',') > 0

    Its Working fine. But the Problem is If i changed my input as

    set @l_store_list = '1, 2' (space next to comma)

    Then it will return the first row instead of all records. Can anyone help on this?



  • Hi,

    Instead of doing the separation, try with the dynamical execution.

    create table #temp


    slno int,

    NAMES varchar(10)


    insert into #temp

    select 1,'A'

    union all

    select 2,'AA'

    union all

    select 3,'AAA'

    union all

    select 4,'AAAA'

    declare @sql nvarchar(1000),

    @l_store_list varchar(50)

    set @l_store_list = '1, 2'

    set @sql = 'select * from #temp where slno in ('+@l_store_list+')'

    exec sp_executesql @sql

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your reply. Your qury is working fine. But I've used to the same query with replace function.

    declare @l_store_list varchar(50)

    set @l_store_list = '1,2'






    charindex(',' + ltrim(str(store_number)) + ',', ',' + replace(@l_store_list,' ','') + ',') > 0

    Can u suggest me is it the right?

  • I recently replaced a Cursor that built a csv string with something along the lines of this:

    DECLARE @CSVString VarChar(MAX)

    CREATE TABLE #Test(ID int IDENTITY, TestText VarChar(MAX))

    INSERT INTO #Test(TestText)

    SELECT '1'


    SELECT '2'


    SELECT '3'


    SELECT '4'


    SELECT '5'


    SELECT '6'


    SELECT '7'


    SELECT '8'


    SELECT '9'

    SELECT * FROM #Test

    UPDATE #Test

    SET @CSVString = ISNULL(@CSVString,'') + t.TestText + ','

    FROM #Test t

    SELECT @CSVString

    DROP TABLE #Test

  • When you get to the point that concatenation using a variable is insufficient, take a look at this technique.


    -- more sophisticated example, using a WHERE clause in the subquery and GROUP BY in the main

    -- query to do concatenation for all combinations in the input table


    declare @data table (empname varchar(30), svcdate varchar(10), wrkGroup int)

    insert into @data

    Select 'Henry' as empname, '10/20/2000' as svcDate,2 as wrkGroup union all

    Select 'Henry', '10/20/2000',3 union all

    Select 'Henry', '10/20/2000',5 union all

    Select 'Steve','08/17/2005',8 union all

    Select 'Steve','08/17/2005',10 union all

    Select 'Steve','08/17/2005',9 union all

    Select 'Steve','08/17/2005',4 union all

    Select 'Steve','08/19/2005',2 union all

    Select 'Laura','09/12/2007',3

    select * from @data

    select empname,svcDate,stuff((SELECT ',' + cast(wrkGroup as varchar(5))

    FROM @data d2

    WHERE d2.empName = d1.empname and d2.svcDate = d1.svcDate -- must match GROUP BY below

    ORDER BY wrkGroup

    FOR XML PATH('')

    ),1,1,'') as [Concatenated]

    from @data d1

    GROUP BY empName,svcDate -- without GROUP BY multiple rows are returned

    order by empName,svcDate

    Merry Christmas to all. Peace on earth and goodwill towards all people.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

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