problem in a query

  • Hi i have two tables

    CREATE TABLE [tbl_UserBlog] (

     [UserBlogID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

     [UserID] [int] NULL ,

     [BlogName] [varchar] (50) NULL ,

     [BlogEntry] [text] NULL ,

     [Active] [bit] NOT NULL  DEFAULT (0),

     [PublicFlag] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT (0),

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    CREATE TABLE [tbl_Comments] (

     [CommentID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

     [UserBlogID] [int] NULL ,

     [Comment] [text] NULL ,

     [UserID] [int] NULL ,

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    I want to get the values from tbl_userBlog and the count of comments for that blog. I have tried it but it errors on group by.

    select tub.*, count(tbc.UserBlogID) as commentcount

    From tbl_BlogComments tbc, tbl_userBlog tub  where tbc.userblogID

    in(select UserBlogID from tbl_userBlog  where UserID = 1 and active =1

    and publicflag = 1) group by tbc.userblogID , tub.blogname

    any help is appreciated.


  • You'll need to do something like this...

    select a.*, commentcount

    from tbl_UserBlog a

      inner join (select UserBlogID, count(*) as commentcount From tbl_Comments group by UserBlogID) b

        on a.UserBlogID = b.UserBlogID

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • select tub.userblogID , tub.blogname, count(tbc.UserBlogID) as commentcount

    From tbl_BlogComments tbc

    INNER JOIN tbl_userBlog tub  ON tub.userblogID = tbc.UserBlogID

    where tbc.userblogID in(select UserBlogID from tbl_userBlog  where UserID = 1 and active =1 and publicflag = 1)

    group by tub.userblogID , tub.blogname

    Don't ever use * in select.


    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Wouldn't the following cause one less access to the table tbl_userBlog?

    Also this will ignore userBlog's with no comments

    select tub.userblogID , tub.blogname, count(tbc.UserBlogID) as commentcount

    From tbl_BlogComments tbc

    INNER JOIN tbl_userBlog tub  ON tub.userblogID = tbc.UserBlogID

    where tub.UserID = 1 and =1 and tub.publicflag = 1

    group by tub.userblogID , tub.blogname

  • There is a condition:

    where tbc.userblogID in(select UserBlogID from tbl_userBlog  where UserID = 1 and active =1 and publicflag = 1)

    This allows only to return BlogNames with existing comments.

    So my query does not eliminate any row from returning set.

    Of course, original query is not right in many ways. But if they are happy with that...

    Code for TallyGenerator

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