Problem extracting character/string values from an Informix database using SSIS 2008

  • amit.sinha-717308 (3/14/2012)

    This has fixed the problem. Thanks.

    It shows me warning

    [ADO NET Source [1]] Warning: Rows sent to the error output(s) will be lost. Add new data flow transformations or destinations to receive error rows, or reconfigure the component to stop redirecting rows to the error output(s).

    That's just because you don't actually do anything with the error rows.

    Connect it to a multicast component and you'll get rid of the warning.

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  • Thanks. It works.

    Now I am trying other way. Moving data from flat file to ADO Net destination and I get following error:

    [ADO NET Destination [293]] Error: An exception has occurred during data insertion, the message returned from the provider is: ERROR [42000] [Informix][Informix ODBC Driver][Informix]A syntax error has occurred.

    Have you tried to insert data into informix?

  • Never, I don't even know what it is 🙂

    Apparently there's an error in the syntax. Did you specify a SQL statement or something like that?

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  • This may be a long shot, but ...

    In the past somewhere I've seen the symptoms described but couldn't place it.

    Informix rang a bell but I was thinking Movex, so I looked it up.

    It appears Informix is now IBM but once upon a time it was the same guys who made UniVerse.

    So that's where the long shot comes in. I was once working from a UniVerse data source and we had to set up our connection in a very particular way or else we would get partial or completely missing data.

    We had an ODBC connection prepared for us so I don't know it's configuration details but we were reading from it using SSIS 2k8.

    We used an OLEDB source in Table or View access mode (SQL Command would not work).

    There was one property that had to be set though. I think it was this one: AlwaysUseDefaultCodePage=True

    May be this configuration will help, may be it won't.

  • Informix doesn't handle very well empty strings.

    In our company we use the decode function to substitute the empty strings to NULLS.

    decode(field,'',NULL,field) as field


    I would like to find another approach, because this is very annoying to make to every string column, but i didnt find nothing yet.

  • I have this exact same issue and I'm redirecting errors from an data source to a multi cast but I'm still getting blank values. Any ideas? I'm pulling from Interbase with their native 32 bit odbc driver I've registered as a system data source.

  • I have this exact same issue and I'm redirecting errors from an data source to a multi cast but I'm still getting blank values. Any ideas? I'm pulling from Interbase with their native 32 bit odbc driver I've registered as a system data source.

  • How about using a derived column to cast the strings to code page 1252 ? I suspect a code page problem of some kind.

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • Please!! did you solve it?? I realy need this solution! Thanks

  • Did you try all of the suggestions in the prior two pages?

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