Problem emailing query results with Database mail

  • I know the my query works standalone but it won't run when I put it in the @query section of an email job. It returns:

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 21

    Incorrect syntax near '

    AND p21_view_invoice_hdr.disputed_flag = '.

    Here's my code:

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name ='Alerts',


    @body='Message Body',

    @subject ='Message Subject',

    @query = 'select









    left outer join p21_view_invoice_hdr on p21_invoice_amt_remaining_view.invoice_no = p21_view_invoice_hdr.invoice_no

    left outer join p21_customer_view on p21_view_invoice_hdr.customer_id = p21_customer_view.customer_id


    p21_view_invoice_hdr.paid_in_full_flag = 'N'

    AND p21_view_invoice_hdr.disputed_flag = 'N'

    AND p21_invoice_amt_remaining_view.amt_remaining_frominv > '4999.99'

    AND p21_view_invoice_hdr.invoice_date < (select dateadd(d,-30,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP))

    ORDER BY p21_view_invoice_hdr.invoice_date'

  • Because your query is within a string you need to use 2 single-quotes in order to have one show in your string. So you need something like this:

    @query = 'Select * from sys.databases where name = ''msdb'' and compatibility_level = 90'

    msdb is surrounded by 2 single quotes.

  • So do you mean that the where section should be:


    p21_view_invoice_hdr.paid_in_full_flag = ''N''

    AND p21_view_invoice_hdr.disputed_flag = ''N''

    AND p21_invoice_amt_remaining_view.amt_remaining_frominv > ''4999.99''

    AND p21_view_invoice_hdr.invoice_date < (select dateadd(d,-30,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP))

    Where anything with single quotes needs to be 2 single quotes? I noted in your example that you didn't place 90 in single quotes. I tried running this and it didn't like it.

  • Your where clause looks fine to me now, except that if p21_invoice_amt_remaining_view.amt_remaining_frominv is numeric you do not need the quotes .

    When you say it did not like it, did you get an error?

    Try testing the query in SSMS by doing:

    [font="Courier New"]DECLARE @query VARCHAR(MAX)


    SET    @query = 'select








    p21_invoice_amt_remaining_view left outer join

    p21_view_invoice_hdr on

    p21_invoice_amt_remaining_view.invoice_no = p21_view_invoice_hdr.invoice_no left outer join

    p21_customer_view on

    p21_view_invoice_hdr.customer_id = p21_customer_view.customer_id


    p21_view_invoice_hdr.paid_in_full_flag = ''N'' AND

    p21_view_invoice_hdr.disputed_flag = ''N'' AND

    p21_invoice_amt_remaining_view.amt_remaining_frominv > ''4999.99'' AND

    p21_view_invoice_hdr.invoice_date < (select dateadd(d,-30,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP))'


  • That query worked - so if we set it up that way, how do I handle the @query part of the execution of the email?

  • I'm now attempting:

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name ='Alerts',


    @body='Message Body',

    @subject ='Message Subject',

    @query = 'select








    p21_invoice_amt_remaining_view left outer join

    p21_view_invoice_hdr on

    p21_invoice_amt_remaining_view.invoice_no = p21_view_invoice_hdr.invoice_no left outer join

    p21_customer_view on p21_view_invoice_hdr.customer_id = p21_customer_view.customer_id


    p21_view_invoice_hdr.paid_in_full_flag = ''N'' AND

    p21_view_invoice_hdr.disputed_flag = ''N'' AND

    p21_invoice_amt_remaining_view.amt_remaining_frominv > ''4999.99'' AND

    p21_view_invoice_hdr.invoice_date < (select dateadd(d,-30,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP))';

    and am getting this as an error:

    Msg 14661, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_send_dbmail, Line 357

    Query execution failed: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Server MD-SQL1, Line 1

    Invalid object name 'p21_invoice_amt_remaining_view'.

    Msg 0, Level 11, State 0, Line 0

    A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.

  • Because the query is being executed in the context of DBMail it is executed within the master database so you need to fully qualify your object names in the query, dbname.schema.object.

  • Hi, i have a similar problem, my difference is that i am using a temp table

    i have declared and insert values into this temp table in the same stored procedure.

    ,@query ='select * from #temp'

    ,@attach_query_result_as_file = 1 ;

    but i keep getting this error:

    Msg 22050, Level 16, State 1, Line 0

    Error formatting query, probably invalid parameters

    Msg 14661, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_send_dbmail, Line 495

    Query execution failed: ?Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Server ****, Line 1

    Invalid object name '#temp'.

    Any ideas?

  • the scope of your temp table probably isn't sufficient.

    you haven't really presented much information, but i'd assume what you're doing is something like this:





    INSERT INTO #Temp(stuff)

    SELECT values

    exec sp_send_db_mail

    ,@query ='select * from #temp'

    which won't work, because #temp is outside the scope of sp_send_db_mail.

    you'll probably have to create #temp within the @query parameter, which kinda invalidates your purposes.

    not sure if there's a way to create a temp table with scope sufficient for what you're trying to accomplish.

  • yes that's exactly what i am doing, ok i will try to find another way to get the values without using a temp table. Thank you.

  • It might work with a global temp table. You define a global temp table using two octothorpes instead of just one

    Create Table ##temp

    The global temp table can be used from multiple connections and remains valid until all connections that are using it are closed or until it is dropped.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • yes it does work with ##temp!! thank you!!

  • drew.allen (8/18/2009)

    It might work with a global temp table. You define a global temp table using two octothorpes instead of just one

    Create Table ##temp

    The global temp table can be used from multiple connections and remains valid until all connections that are using it are closed or until it is dropped.


    what sort of conflicts could occur with global temp tables? is it a single instance of the table for all connections, or does each connection get it's own table? also, if it's each connection, if you execute the procedure twice, does it cause a conflict in existence of the table? what if you execute it twice without waiting for it to finish the first time?

  • You need to be wary of global temp tables. Is there any possibility of multiple requests occurring concurrently? If there is one will fail on the create table statement or if you have If exists Drop table then the first will fail. Global temp tables are usually a bad idea.

  • ok thank you i will keep that in mind. 🙂

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