Problem DB Mirroring

  • phoqueme (10/15/2008)

    Hi philcart,

    i have only one server, in this server i have 3 istances, so it's mandatory has 3 different ports, and when i create enpoints i must write 3 distinct ports specified in Configuration Manager.

    When i set role with Principal (from Mirror), it's ok, but when set roles with Mirror and Witness (from Principal), i receive this error:

    Network address TCP://MYSERVER:5023 cannot be reached

    Now i want try to associate "network_service" to administrator group.

    I tried to associate "network_service" to administrator group but problem persists...

    It's hard :ermm:

  • I'm sorry. I noticed I pointed you to my service broker article and scripts.

    Must have been a twist of mind :crazy:

    The mirror testing I was on Two clients with dev-edtn and one client (witness) using SQLExpress.

    Everything worked fine (but I used the same portnumber at every box)

    Tear down your mirroring setup and start over from scratch.

    Use the GUI.

    Especially take care of the part where you specify the service accounts and the one resulting with the "next" button.

    Inspect all execution statistics at that time, because it will test connectivity right at that moment.

    Also check your server configuration settings for aliasses, they get you in troubles.


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  • I had the same issue a while ago - you have to make sure that you use windows authentication with the exact same account, that it has appropriate permissions in windows & SQL, and when specifying computer names you HAVE to use fully-qualified names-that means PROTOCOL:\\COMPUTER.DOMAIN.DOMAINIDENTIFIER:PORTNUMBER

    It is a finicky, finicky process, but you'll find once you get it working once, it is a breeze from there to set up again.

    p.s. Also check your backup process -you must perform these steps..

    1. full backup of database on principal

    2. transaction log backup of database on principal

    3. restore with norecovery database on mirror

    4. log backup restore with norecovery database on mirror

    hope some of these tips help

  • and when specifying computer names you HAVE to use fully-qualified names-that means PROTOCOL:\\COMPUTER.DOMAIN.DOMAINIDENTIFIER:PORTNUMBER

    No you don't, using IP addresses works just as well as using FQDN.

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Hi to all,

    today i will try your idea and tell you results...

    Many thanks for support 🙂

    Have a good day

  • philcart (10/19/2008)

    No you don't, using IP addresses works just as well as using FQDN.

    Really? I've never been able to get IP's to successfully work, if using IP addr's do they need to be on the same subnet or something weird? and do you still need PROTOCOL://IP:PORT?

  • All you need is IP connectivity at the OS level.

    The limitation of using FQDN's is just the GUI.

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Right that makes sense, cheers Phil

  • Hi to all,

    now i have installed dns, this afternoon i want try to create a login for domain.

    Then i will tell you...:cool:

    Bye bye

  • Hi, i had some problem with virtual machine server, now i'm installing 2 virtual machine server in a unique domain, so i can test db mirroring on 2 server (principal + mirror-witness).

    I will try and tell you.

    Bye bye.

  • Hi,

    i have changed my scenario more similar to production.

    I have a domain (called "dbmirror") and i hav 2 server (virtual machines) called SV38 e SV39.

    Server SV38 contain 1 istance called PRINCIPAL (port 5022) started with domain user (group "administration") called "dbmirror\dbm_sql".

    Server SV39 contain 2 istances called MIRROR (port 5022) and WITNESS (port 5023) all started with domain user (group "administration") called "dbmirror\dbm_sql".

    All operations for creation database and db mirroring be execute with access on server with domain user "dbm_sql", whilst for access to Management Studio i use con "Windows authentication.

    I have executed this command:

    - ping vs39 -> from VS38 -> OK

    - ping vs38 -> from VS39 -> OK

    - telnet VS39 5022 -> from VS38 -> OK

    - telnet VS39 5023 -> from VS38 -> OK

    - telnet VS38 5022 -> from VS39 -> OK

    I had done 2 tests and output is always negative (Error: 1418 - Microsoft SQL Server - The server network address can not be reached or does not exist. Check the network address name and reissue the command).

    In attach you can find 2 test, using script from Microsoft webcast.

    Many thanks for help...


  • I have found this message in error log:


    Server TCP provider failed to listen on [ 'any' 5022]. TCP port is already in use.


    But i'm sure that this port is free...

  • Guys are you using clones in your virtual servers? if you clone a machine you must change the network card guid by re-installing the network card on the virtual machine, it will generate a fresh guid..

    also this:

    --Backup on VS38 of Principal

    BACKUP DATABASE databaseMirroringDatabase TO DISK = 'c:\demoMirroring\databaseMirroringDatabase.bak' WITH INIT


    --Copy file on VS39 for Mirror

    --Restore on VS39 of Mirror (WITH NORECOVERY)

    RESTORE DATABASE databaseMirroringDatabase FROM DISK = 'c:\demoMirroring\databaseMirroringDatabase.bak'

    WITH MOVE 'databaseMirroringDatabase' TO 'c:\demoMirroring\mirror\databaseMirroringDatabase.mdf',

    MOVE 'databaseMirroringDatabase_log' TO 'c:\demoMirroring\mirror\databaseMirroringDatabase_log.LDF',


    you must make sure you do a full backup, THEN a transaction log backup - without this it will fail

  • 1) This issue has been going on for what, 18 days now? A phone call or internet chat to a good consultant would likely have had you operational in a matter of an hour or two.

    2) Nothing personal, but a junior dba probably should not be doing something as critical to a company's operations as implementing database mirroring (at least not for a production system where it is critical to DR plans or other operational needs). Your company should get a pro to do it for you and teach you along the way. And even if you do eventually get this functional, what happens when it breaks the first time? Will you be able to get it back on track or recover from something? Or what if you actually need to use the mirror due to an outage of the primary but it really wasn't set up correctly and now all of your company's data is unavailable? Scary stuff!! :w00t: I sure wish more company's would realize the value of getting training/mentoring for their staff, especially DBAs! SQL Server IS indeed easy to install/use/manage, but it still takes proper care and feeding before you should entrust your company to it!! 🙂

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • If the mirror is not in the same domain as the principal you must get the SID from the principal and manually add it to the logins used on the mirror. The code is in this link

    to get the sid you can run a vbscript. Google Sid script.

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