Problem connecting from Vista

  • I can't connect from a Vista Client to a SQL 2005 Server.

    I have been stuck on this problem over a week so any help would be greatly appreciated.


    I cannot connect from my client (vista business) except with SQL Server Management Studio.

    I have tried Red Gate SQL Compare connection from a machine running XP and it connects ok.

    I have tried connecting using ODBC from another machine running Vista Home and it connects ok.

    I have no problem connecting to my local SQL Server (on my client).

    I have tried using Windows Auth and a SQL login.


    Both the client and server are on the same domain and the user is a domain user.


    Vista Business, SQL Server 2005 SP1 Client tools and Server, RedGate tools, Visual Studio 2005 SP1

    Windows Firewall ON (but have tried it off with no difference)

    Norton virus protection ON ((but have tried it off with no difference)


    SQL Server 2005 SP1, Remote connections allowed over TCP/IP Port 1433 (IPAll TCP Port 1433, not dynamic)

    No windows firewall, Mcaffee virus running.

    I get the errors below (or similar) connecting from:

    SQL Profiler

    Database engine tuning advisor,

    Redgate SQL Compare (or any redgate software)

    Setting up an ODBC connection

    Visual Studio 2005 SP1

    The only application that current connects is SQL Server Management Studio!??

    If I apply SQL Server 2005 SP2 to the client it stops even SQL Server Management Studio from working.

    I either get the following error:

    A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake.

    When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.

    (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error:0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)

    or (if I force the port and/or method e.g. TCP:,1433)

    A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake.

    When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.

    (provider: TCP Provider, error:0 - No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.)

    Again any help would be much appreciated as I just can not seem to solve this.


  • Do you have Vista's UAC turned off?  If not, I would attempt the connections after turning User Account Control off as well. 

    I see where you have the firewall and antivirus off and you still could not connect.  But it sure sounds like the only application that is able to connect is SSMS, leading me to turning off or adding the other applications into the firewall, antivirus allow list at the same time.


    [font="Arial"]Clifton G. Collins III[/font]

  • Sorry I forgot to mention UAC is turned off.

    Even with the firewall and virus services stopped (on the client) the only program that can connect is SSMS.  And if I put SQL Server 2005 SP 2 on SSMS stops working too.

    It is very very strange. 

  • I created the environment you described and cannot reproduce the issue. 

    I would go back through the configuration manager and the surface configuration and ensure that the server is remotely available:

    A) Protocols of Shared Memory, Named Pipes and TCP/IP enabled.

    B) Local and remote connections user both tcp/ip and named pipes

    Next, enable/start the sql server browser service.


    Then using SSMS, connect to the server, testing each of the three protocols in turn.  If all three work/connect and you can successfully execute a valid sql statement, proceed with testing your other client applications.



    [font="Arial"]Clifton G. Collins III[/font]

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