Problem accessing Analysis Services

  • A developer has created a cube and deployed it to Analysis services using BI and SQL server 2005.


    I have been asked to allow user access to the cube using a third party tool (Data Analyzer). When I browse to find the cube, I am unable.


    I gather this is due to permissions/access rights on the cube/Analysis services.


    Can I have some advice on how to grant domain users read only access to the cube.


    Thanks in advance.

  • There should be a role (or more than 1) applied to the database in Analysis Services.  To do this, connect to the AS server through Management Studio and expand the Databases folder then expand the treenode for the DB you want to provide user access to.  Right click on the Roles folder and select New Role.  From there you'll get the Create Role dialog, give the role a name, pick members, pic the cubes they can access etc etc.



  • Thank you for the post. I have already set up a role and attached NT 4 permissions to it for domain access.


    Still no joy. I can set up an ODBC connection to the MSSQL server, but I seem to be unable to view analysis services.


    Any other ideas much appreciated.

  • Hi,

    you need to set up a connection using the OLAP client, not ODBC.

    You may have to install the connection related files before you will be able to see AS.

    You may always test whether you are able to connect using a pivot table in Excel ans setting up an OLAP connection. You will see whether your client is configured correctly as well.



  • OK think I have got somewhere with this - I have been using a tool called Data Analyzer to connect to AS. It would not show the cube once I put the the AS server address in.

    It looks like there is an issue using this tool and office xp, I upgraded the office version to 2007 and it connected straight away.

    I have some more testing to do on this, but it is looking good.



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