Problem: Access XP connecting to VIEW in SQL server VIA ODBC

  • Hi all,

    afer some searching on Microsoft and Google and SQL server central i think ive come across something a little strange wondering if anyone else has

    WE have a access xp program (mdb) which access SQL server tables and views, the information is correct in all tables and views except for one view.

    tried relinking to refresh the link to the view. but still returns incorrect information to the access program

    The same access program in access 2003 does not display this issues and the results returned are correct.

    is this an ODBC or Access thing ?

    Thanks for any light anyone can shed on this !!

    Life is far too important to be taken seriously

  • Ok My bad (once again)

    its still the same problem except that the database was in Access2000 format not Xp or 2k3 format, once we upgraded the db to 2k2/2k3 level the view we were accessing worked fine, the problem is still there, why would an Access 2000 database mis represent the results from a view..however we have this problem solved.


    Life is far too important to be taken seriously

  • You were using Jet4 to access a Jet3 database.


  • even though the linked table was a view ??

    Life is far too important to be taken seriously

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